Meeting For Worship


Quakerism is an experiential faith. We come together to learn how to put into daily practice our tenets of:

    • simplicity & stewardship
    • peacefulness
    • integrity
    • community
    • equality

Each person’s path may be different but the shared journey deepens and enriches our lives. We welcome everyone to our fellowship.

We provide opportunities for both children and adults for religious education and spiritual growth including:

    • Sunday classes and forums
    • Bible Study
    • in-depth exploration of spiritual paths

We also offer service activities, a meditative retreat center in Amelia County, shared meals, and opportunities for friendship and community building.

Social Action

Quakers have been on the leading edge of peacemaking and human rights issues for hundreds of years. Our roots in prison reform, anti-slavery, women’s suffrage, and peacemaking undergird today’s missions, among them:

    • reforming criminal justice
    • finding alternatives to violence
    • caring for the earth
    • working toward equity in our own neighborhood and around the world

We seek not only to understand the issues but also to take considered, concrete action to bring about change.

Some of our organizations putting Quaker Values to work:

Recent News and Announcements

What is the Fund for Sufferings?

Born of long-term Quaker tradition and originally established to help those suffering economic hardship due to acts of conscience, the Fund for Sufferings was reinstated at Richmond Friends Meeting in 2009 to be used for short-term help for members and attenders in...

From B&G to Our Gardeners and Weeders

Thank you to all the weeders who did an outstanding job getting rid of a plethora of weeds in the Meetinghouse gardens during July and August. Our Meeting grounds look so much better—and our neighbors are happy about it too!!!

Update from the Wayne Taylor ad hoc Committee

Our committee (Barb Pedrotty, Denna Joy, Scott Morrison, Randee Humphrey/clerk) has been hard at work since May 2021, considering the potential ways and means of distributing the residual estate left to Richmond Friends Meeting by the late Carl Wayne Taylor "to...

Announcements for October and Beyond from RE Committee

The RE Committee is happy to report a great start to our Fall classes. If you have not yet turned in a registration form for your child(ren), please do so. Registration forms are available through RE committee members, classroom teachers and volunteers, and the...

From the Library Committee

As you are transitioning into Fall, please check around your home to see if you have any books that need to be returned to our library.   The Library Committee will be taking responsibility for the Little Library in front of the meetinghouse.   Our...

Visibility Coordinators need photos!

Visibility Coordinators’ informal survey of newcomers to our meeting shows that most of them found us through our website. Thank you, Website Committee!Visibility hopes our Facebook page is also inviting. Our page has over 700 followers in the RVA area. Through...

Friendly 8’s for Fall 2024

There are 15 groups (so far) that will be offered for 2024-2025 (with conveners). Please sign up for your choice(s) pronto! New groups: Friendly Singers (Danni Kong and Diane Bowden)  Personal Finance Advice Conversation (Seth Jason Leslie)  Hiking (Mary Beth Martin) ...

Spiritual Journey Program Opening Session, October 6

Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre invited F/friends to participate in the 2024-25 Spiritual Journey program, which will begin with a large-group opening session and potluck at 6:30 pm on October 6 at the meetinghouse. Small groups will meet throughout the year until May. For...

Peace & Social Concerns Art Sale, November 10

After a successful art sale last year, the Peace and Social Concerns Committee will hold another art sale on November 10th at the rise of Meeting in the fellowship room. We are collecting art donations until November 1st. The art created by Richmond Friends sold the...

Minute Against Violence in the Region of Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank

We, the members of the Richmond (VA) Friends Meeting are heartbroken and stricken with horror and grief at the recent renewed eruption of violence in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank.  We call for an immediate ceasefire by both Israel and Hamas, the prompt release...

RFM Minute on Race and Racism

(Final version, revised 28 January 2024) As Friends, our belief that there is “that of God” in everyone grounds our practice of upholding the worth of each human being. Each person is guided by an Inward Teacher toward truth; each has the capacity to experience and be...

AFSC Offers Meeting for Worship with Attention to Peace in Palestine-Israel

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) offers an online meeting for worship withattention to peace in Palestine-Israel every Thursday at 5:30 pm ET. To receive a Zoom link, signup here:...

Hearing Assistance during Worship

Ministry & Worship Committee wants to let you know that if you have trouble hearing messages during Meeting for Worship, you are welcome to pick up a hearing assistance device at the front door. They are easy to use. The Greeter can help you put it on.

Assistance with Transportation to Meeting For Worship

DO YOU NEED HELP WITH TRANSPORTATION TO MEETING FOR WORSHIP? Care & Counsel is offering a trial program to reimburse you for the cost of one Uber or Lyft ride to or from Meeting for Worship once a month. You simply forward the receipt from your Uber/Lyft ride to...

Prayer Group for Healing at RFM

There is a Prayer for Healing Group at RFM, and its purpose is to support our community with intentional prayers, especially in times of need and loss. We are about fifteen members sending out prayers every two weeks to those who have requested them. The prayer group...