Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
First Month 19, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-five (55) members and attenders were present. Barbara Myers was greeter. Ted Heck from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Kirsten Taranto, Doug Broome, Stella Broome, Shelby Drishill, and one other visitor were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Tracey Cain read the proposed Queries and Voices on Children and Young People from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Ministry and Worship: (1.) Tracey Cain announced the upcoming meeting for Friends to participate in the preparation of the Spiritual State of the Meeting report, which we submit to BYM every year. The meeting will be held February 22, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Light breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30 a.m. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting. Each committee is asked to submit copies of their year-end reports to Tracey Cain (Clerk of Ministry and Worship), Barbara Hulburt (Clerk of Meeting), and Mary Julia Street (Archivist). (2.) Tracey also announced that the Thrifty Quaker store in Midlothian is supporting Quaker House (full-time peace project in Fayetteville, NC) during February and is asking for donations of gently-used items. John and Tracey Cain are collecting donated items from Meeting. Friends were encouraged to make donations and to shop at the Thrifty Quaker.
Hospitality: Janet Scagnelli announced the January potluck lunch to be held January 26 at rise of Meeting. All are welcome, with or without food to share.
Nominating Committee: (1.) Roni Kingsley presented the list of nominations for committees and positions for 2014 for the second reading and approval. Friends requested several corrections. Questions were asked and concerns were expressed about the use of the term “under the care of” with respect to certain positions and committees. After discussion, the Clerk stated her sense that there was lack of clarity about what “under the care of” means and that the Nominating Committee and Clerk will consider this further and bring it back to MWB. Friends approved the corrected list. Appreciation and gratitude were expressed for the work Nominating Committee does to fill positions and committees, especially given how essential those in positions and on committees are to our community. (2.) Roni also announced that the annual New Clerks/Old Clerks meeting will be held on February 16, from 9:30 am to 10:45 am.
Care and Counsel: Barbara Myers reported several items for the committee. (1.) A benefit concert for Patricia Stansbury will be held Saturday, January 25, at St. Stephens church. Contributions can also be made directly to Patricia. A Friend asked whether the Fund for Sufferings of the Meeting could be used to support an individual. It was clarified that Care and Counsel can request funds from the Fund for Sufferings, which is managed by Financial Stewardship, for that purpose. (2.) A memorial service for Bob Conklin will be held Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm. (3.) Applications for Quaker Camp are being accepted. Friends can ask for scholarship help by contacting a member of Care and Counsel. (4.) Barbara reminded Friends that the Aging in Community group has a liaison on the Care and Counsel committee. She also encouraged senior Friends to consider joining the group.
Financial Stewardship: Treasurer Marjorie Bertolino asked Friends to read the year-end report for 2013 and asked for questions. She stated the Meeting had exceeded its goal for unrestricted contributions and that the committee was proud of Meeting’s giving. After several questions were answered, Friends accepted the report.
Peace and Social Concerns: Committee clerk Dave Depp made four announcements. (1.) The next VICPP Legislative Lobbying Day is Tuesday, January 21. Dave described ways that Friends might engage in the legislative process. (2.) Dave announced a food drive for the Fan Free Clinic during February. A list of needed items will be posted. Friends were encouraged to contribute. (3.) Lunches for CARITAS will be prepared on January 29. Financial contributions were requested and may be given to Dave or Martha Foster, or placed in a box in the foyer. (4.) Based on the discussion earlier that morning of the proposal to locate a new stadium in Shockoe Bottom, Dave announced that Peace and Social Concerns will put an article in the newsletter with opinions of members of the committee and links to information. In response to a concern that the need for the information was urgent, Dave agreed to distribute the article electronically via the ListServe.
Adult Spiritual Education: Rita Willett announced a new series of meetings, based on the book The New Jim Crow, that are part of a BYM-wide set of activities. On Sunday, February 2, 2014, at rise of Meeting, ASE will feature two speakers. In February and March, four sessions will be held on Sundays at 9:30 am. Details are in the newsletter.
Disaster Relief: Ada Hammer announced that the next trip by the group would be taking place the week of April 13. Anyone interested was encouraged to contact Ada, Ben Hebner or Frances Stewart for information. The group will hold a chili lunch on March 2 to raise money to defray costs of the trip.
Twelfth Month 2013 MWB Minutes: Two misspellings were noted. The minutes were approved with corrections.
Clerk’s Business: (1.) Barbara Hulburt announced that she is forming an ad hoc committee, clerked by Tracey Cain, to read the proposed BYM Faith and Practice and formally respond to a request for feedback from BYM. All Friends are encouraged to read and give comments to the committee. Barbara asked anyone willing to serve on this committee to contact her. (2.) The Clerk announced a visit from members of the BYM Visioning Committee who would like to meet with RFM on Sunday, March 30, at rise of Meeting. Friends are encouraged to attend. (3.) RFM has agreed to host the BYM Interim Meeting in October, 2014. The Clerk announced that that she is forming an ad hoc committee to support this Meeting event and Ada Hammer has agreed to clerk the committee. Barbara asked anyone willing to serve to contact her.
Other Business: Jim Thoroman made an announcement for Dan Shaw, clerk of the committee planning for the next men’s retreat. The next men’s retreat will be held at the Clearing on Saturday, March 29. Contact Dan for information.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of Meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Second Month 16, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Sixty-four (64) members and attenders were present. Randee Humphrey was greeter. Rita Willett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Grace Topham was welcomed as a first time attender to MWB. Steve Humphrey read the proposed Queries and Voices on Home and Family from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Religious Education: Catherine Roseberry reported that all the children were participating in an integrated class during MWB based on the theme of integrity. She then made two announcements: (1) A “bond” fire will be held Saturday, March 2, from 6:30 to about 9:30 pm. There will be pizza and “s’mores.” All are welcome. (2) RE will be starting a “Kites for Peace” activity. Kites will be made with messages of peace so that when they are flown the messages of goodwill will be out in the world.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander announced that nine students and three staff members from the Arthur Morgan School in Burnsville, N.C., will be in Richmond March 8-9. They will be staying overnight in our meetinghouse.
Care and Counsel: Randee Humphrey made two announcements: (1) A Memorial Meeting for Bob Conklin will be held on Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm. (2) Care and Counsel has scholarships available for Quaker Camp. Applications are due by April 1.
Peace and Social Concerns: Committee clerk Dave Depp made four announcements: (1) He thanked everyone who has contributed to the Fan Free Clinic food drive. The food drive will extend through February. Contributions were encouraged. (2) The committee is deliberating how to publicize the minute on our support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. (3) The discussion series based on the book The New Jim Crow will continue. The upcoming dates are February 23, March 9 and March 23. One additional session is planned for April 6 featuring three guest speakers on topics related to mass incarceration. (4) Dave reminded Friends of a discussion of the book The Lemon Tree taking place on Tuesday, February 18, sponsored by the Richmond Peace Education Center.
Ministry and Worship: Committee clerk Tracey Cain made two announcements before reading an introduction and proposed minute: (1) Friends were again invited to participate in the preparation of the Spiritual State of the Meeting report at a meeting to be held February 22, from 9 am to 12 pm. Light breakfast will be served beginning at 8:30 am. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting. (2) The position of Visibility Coordinator is open. This position is under the care of M&W. Friends with an interest were encouraged to contact a member of the Ministry and Worship or Nominating committees.
Tracey read the following introduction and proposed minute (minute in bold):
In the fall of 2009, the BYM Ad Hoc Committee on Gender and Sexual Diversity Concerns asked Monthly Meetings to consider a query: Should we offer the same marriage under the care of Meeting – no more and no less – to all couples, while encouraging couples who are legally able, to have a separate civil ceremony? Perhaps the seed was planted then, perhaps later, but in the fall of 2010 a concern was laid before the meeting to consider our role in the legal business of marriage. Since that time, Ministry & Worship has had under its care the worshipful exploration of this concern through a variety of forums, Worship Sharings, and dialogues. It is the sense of Ministry and Worship that we are ready to consider a minute on RFM’s practice of marriage and we feel this minute embodies discernment of the continuing revelation of our community. We acknowledge that there are other steps we could take and leadings may well arise that Meeting will unite with, but this minute, which we bring for a first reading, addresses the concern and charge M&W was asked to consider:
In keeping with our Quaker testimonies of integrity and equality, Richmond Friends Meeting offers the same marriage under the care of Meeting to all couples. Because civil marriage is not legally available to all in the state of Virginia, we will lay down our practice of signing marriage licenses.
The clerk then reminded Friends that this was the first reading and that we have a month for seasoning. She invited comments and questions, a synopsis of which follows. (In some cases, several questions and answers have been combined in the interest of brevity and clarity):
– What is the relationship between a marriage license and the Quaker wedding certificate? All present at the ceremony sign the certificate as witnesses. A bonded member signs the marriage license following the ceremony to document that the marriage took place; this is the legal portion of the process. If RFM approves the minute, we will no longer provide bonded members to sign the state marriage license.
– Would Meeting go back to having bonded members sign marriage licenses in the future, if the state allows all couples to marry? This question, and comments regarding the possibility of including something to this effect in the minute itself, gave rise to several comments. Several Friends indicated that they liked this idea; others suggested that we have an opportunity to consider Meeting’s relationship with the legal requirements of the state in general. The clerk reminded Friends that the minute before us does not require that this question be answered at this time.
– Would oversight committees help all couples navigate the civil aspect of marriage and might Friends accompany same-sex couples to the courthouse to apply for a marriage license? It was suggested that we ask ourselves: How do we support all couples equally?
– Friends were encouraged to engage politically to support same-sex couples.
– Several Friends expressed support for the minute and gratitude for the perseverance of the committee and the way the minute supports our testimony of Equality.
– The clerk expressed gratitude to M&W for their consideration of this topic over time and for bringing the Meeting this minute. Friends are encouraged to get in touch with members of Ministry and Worship to share questions, concerns and ideas. Following a period of silence, a Friend suggested that we not dismiss any suggestions as we try to find a minute that we can all unite with.
First Month 2014 MWB Minutes: The unnamed first-time attender was identified as Kol Giessel. The minutes were approved with this one change.
Clerk’s Business: (1) Clerk Barbara Hulburt reminded Friends that copies of the agenda and the previous month’s minutes are available in front and out back of the meeting room at each MWB. She encouraged Friends to pick up a copy before entering to help us better settle into silence. (2) Queries will be made available in advance of the visit from the BYM Visioning Committee who will meet with RFM on Sunday, March 30, at 9:30 am. Friends were encouraged to attend. (3) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, March 23, at rise of Meeting. All are welcome, with or without food to share. (4) A question arose at last MWB about a negative balance in the year-end financial report. That balance was the result of a journaling error in the records that has been corrected. (5) Attention continues to be given to whether the phrase “under the care of”’ is the best language to use to express the connection between positions and committees.
Other Business: (1) Denna Joy reminded Friends of the upcoming activities of the Disaster Relief Committee: The group will be going to Maryland the week of April 13. A chili lunch will be held March 2 to raise money to defray costs of the trip. (2) Bob Alexander announced that Mica Whitney (daughter of Alan Schintzius) and her band Swamp Trees will perform for Friends in our meetinghouse on Sunday, March 9, at 12:30 pm.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of Meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Third Month 16, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Seventy (70) members and attenders were present. Sally Rugg was greeter. Rita Willett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Sofia Sanger, Michael Sanger, Victoria Sanger and John Sanger were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Betsy Brinson read the proposed Queries and Voices on Community from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Care and Counsel: Sally Rugg announced that Care and Counsel still has scholarships for Quaker Camp. Applications are due by April 1. Brooke Davis provided additional information about spaces available in current programs. Barbara Myers emphasized that that there are still funds available and that Care and Counsel wants all children of the Meeting to be able to attend Quaker camp.
Men’s Retreat Planning Committee: Howard Garner reported for the committee. The retreat will be held on Saturday, March 29, from 9 am to 4 pm, at the Clearing, with breakfast available at 8:30 am. The committee requests that all men planning to attend email Dan Shaw. Chili, salad and bread will be served for lunch; a contribution of $10 is requested to cover food. In response to a question, Howard clarified that “men” is defined as males high-school age and older.
Ministry and Worship, First Item: Committee clerk Tracey Cain reported that the committee had written an amended version of the minute on marriage equality after considering the responses and suggestions offered at Second Month MWB when it was introduced. She then read both versions. After a period of silence, there was discussion of the logistics of implementing the change, as well as several questions seeking clarification of the minute. A number of Friends shared their responses to the minute; some encouraged Meeting to take additional action in support of same-sex marriage in Virginia. A suggestion was made and accepted that the language of the minute be changed to make it clear that Meeting is laying down the practice of signing marriage licenses immediately.
The meeting united to approve the following minute:
In keeping with our Quaker testimonies of integrity and equality, Richmond Friends Meeting offers the same marriage under the care of Meeting to all couples. Because civil marriage is not legally available to all in the state of Virginia, we lay down our practice of signing marriage licenses, until such time that it is available to all.
The clerk expressed gratitude for the work of Ministry and Worship over the period of time this concern has been before the Meeting, and to individual Friends and the Meeting as a whole for working towards unity on this minute. The clerk stated she will write a letter to the editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, in consultation with Ministry and Worship, to publicize the minute. Finally, the clerk emphasized that remaining questions about the role of Meeting in civil marriage could be taken up in the future.
Adult Spiritual Education: Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre announced two upcoming events in the New Jim Crow series on March 23 and April 6, both at 9:30 am before Meeting for Worship. The April 6 session will feature representatives from the Virginia Alliance Against Mass Incarceration and a group working with children of prisoners. Mary Fran also announced an upcoming presentation by Maggie O’Neill and Barb Adams to be held May 4 at 9:30 am, about a pilgrimage they made to England last year to learn about early Quaker women.
Peace and Social Concerns: Ben Hebner made announcements for the committee. He referred Friends to the items on the agenda: (1) P&SC has decided to emphasize three areas of sustained effort during the next three years: mass incarceration, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and individual responsibility in environmental issues. (2) P&SC is developing a form to collect knowledge, skills, abilities and interests of members and attenders of the Meeting. (3) On April 27, P&SC will host speaker Theoneste Bazimana, from Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities (HROC), an African Great Lakes Initiative. (4) Four videos on Race and Regionalism produced by the Richmond Peace Education Center will be shown on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 6 to 8 pm at the VCU Commons. Ben reminded Friends that local Friend Linda Heacock was very involved in the African Great Lakes Initiative. In addition, he noted that there is value in taking a “sabbatical” to pursue interests and leadings outside of the Meeting, which can then serve as a source of renewed energy when one returns.
Ministry and Worship, Second Item: Tracey Cain presented the Spiritual State of the Meeting report for the year 2013 for the first reading. She distributed copies and read the report. After a period of silence, the clerk encouraged Friends to consider the report and bring comments to the Fourth Month MWB.
Second Month 2014 MWB Minutes: The minutes were approved as written.
Clerk’s Business: (1) The BYM Visioning Committee will meet with RFM on Sunday, March 30, at 9:30 am. Queries will be made available in advance of the visit. Friends were encouraged to attend. (2) The next BYM Annual Session is scheduled for August 4 through 10, 2014, in Frostburg, Maryland. (3) The clerk received a request from Roanoke Friends Meeting. They are buying a building for the first time and would like help in understanding the development process, including fundraising. The clerk asked any Richmond Friends willing to help to contact her. (4) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, March 23, at rise of Meeting. All are welcome, with or without food to share.
Other Business: (1) A Friend asked if our meeting could share the minute we just approved with other Virginia meetings. (2) A Friend requested that the minute we just approved be communicated to BYM. (3) A Friend asked that the Meeting consider a contribution to Roanoke Meeting for their development fund. (4) Ada Hammer announced for the Disaster Relief group that more than $800 had been raised for the upcoming trip at the recent chili luncheon. She expressed gratitude for the support of the Meeting.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of Meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Fourth Month 20, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Sixty-three (63) members and attenders were present. Clarisse Harton was greeter. Rita Willett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. John Schmidt, Kyle Starr, Sarah Schmidt, Maggie Schmidt, Emily Schmidt, William Schmidt and Liz Vogel were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Bob Alexander read the proposed Queries and Voices on Social Concerns from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Care and Counsel: Clarisse Harton made several announcements: (1) Sallie Rugg is back at home after recent surgery. (2) The surgery planned for Martha Menk was postponed. (3) A new member and new baby welcome will be held on June 15 at rise of Meeting. Chris Olson-Vickers announced that scholarship assistance for Quaker Camp has been provided to 10 children. Barbara Myers announced that the memorial minute for Bob Conklin would be published in the newsletter.
Religious Education: Diane Bowden made announcements for the committee: (1) The next Meeting for Muffins will be held May 4 at 9:30 am. (2) The next integrated (all-ages) RE activity is planned for May 18 at 11:20 am. (3) Sign-up sheets for summer RE will be posted in early May. Committees were encouraged to plan for summer RE coverage at their next meetings.
Ministry and Worship: Tracey Cain distributed copies of the revised Spiritual State of the Meeting report for the year 2013. The revisions were based on comments received since the first reading of the report at last month’s MWB. After a period of silence, Friends made several comments and suggestions. A number of the comments focused on the paragraph regarding Young Friends and Meeting for Worship. M&W will work with RE to revise the paragraph. Tracey encouraged Friends to contact members of the M&W committee with comments. The report with any further revisions will be presented at Fifth Month MWB.
Men’s Retreat Committee: Dan Shaw read the report for the committee that planned and led the men’s retreat held on March 29. The responses of the participants indicated that it was a very positive experience. The report will be submitted to the newsletter.
Financial Stewardship: Marjorie Bertolino distributed the treasurer’s report for the first quarter of 2013. She noted that expenses were somewhat low so far and that contributions were about where they were expected to be at this point in the year.
Adult Spiritual Education: Clerk Barbara Hulburt made an announcement for committee clerk Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre: A presentation titled “Sleeping with Margaret Fell” will be made May 4 at rise of Meeting by Maggie O’Neill and Barb Adams. Maggie and Barb will talk about a pilgrimage they made to England last year to learn about early Quaker women.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander announced the spring work day at the Meetinghouse to be held Saturday, April 26, from 9 am to 3 pm. Lunch will be provided. Bob encouraged everyone to come for all or part of the day and assured Friends that there would be jobs appropriate for all abilities.
Recorder: Mary Julia Street reported that membership information was sent to BYM. We have six new members, including one associate (youth) member; we lost one member in 2013. New members reported are: Marjorie Bertolino, Scott Haugh, Bronwyn Hughes, Zach Powell, Katherine Sharp, and Allison Hughes (associate). Long-time member Bob Conklin died in December 2013. RFM now has 166 adult members and 43 associate members.
Peace and Social Concerns: Dave Depp referred Friends to the items on the agenda and emphasized the talk next Sunday by Theoneste Bizimana and the upcoming blood drive. The following events were listed on the agenda: (1) On April 27, P&SC will host speaker Theoneste Bizimana, from Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities (HROC), an African Great Lakes Initiative. (2) On June 1 at 9:30 am, Sylvia Clute, representing Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) will speak on Unitive Justice. (3) The Richmond Peace Education Center is sponsoring a John McCutcheon concert on Sunday, June 22 at Maggie Walker Governor’s School. RFM will be supporting RPEC with a paid announcement in the concert program. (4) Blood drive update: Dave reported that enough people had signed up to give blood to allow planning to proceed. The committee is trying to schedule the mobile unit for a Saturday in June. Details to follow. Finally, Dave reported that the committee has taken another activity under its umbrella: an annual event to provide meals for families returning from bus trips to visit prisoners. More information will be presented by Ada Hammer in the future.
Third Month 2014 MWB Minutes: The minutes for Third Month will be presented for review and approval at the Fifth Month MWB.
Clerk’s Business: The Clerk made the following reports and announcements: (1) In response to a concern expressed to the clerk regarding a statement in the minutes about Meeting “laying down its practice of signing marriage licenses,” the Clerk offered the following clarification: “Meeting does not, in fact, sign marriage licenses, bonded members of Meeting do. There is no intent by Meeting to affect the legal rights and obligations of bonded members but, rather, our intent is to make all members and attenders aware of our strong commitment to treating all who seek to be married here the same. Thus, members and attenders who wish to be married under the care of the Meeting or in the manner of Friends will be informed that they are responsible for taking care of the legal side of marriage without specific assistance from Meeting.” (2) Katherine Smith from the BYM Visioning Committee met with about 15 Friends at RFM on Sunday, March 30 and held a conversation about where our Meeting is and our connections with other BYM meetings. (3) The next potluck is Sunday, April 27 at rise of Meeting. All are welcome, with or without food to share. (4) The next BYM Annual Sessions are scheduled for August 4 through 10, 2014, in Frostburg, Maryland.
Other Business: (1) Dan Shaw stated that anyone may buy space in the RPEC concert program to support RPEC; he has more information for anyone interested. (2) Denna Joy reported that the Disaster Relief group made it back from their recent trip. More information will be forthcoming. (3) Betsy Brinson described her recent visit to the Amsterdam Meeting, founded in 1695. Members of that Meeting of about 25 adults wanted to know more about our Meeting, especially our support for peace and social concerns. The Amsterdam Meeting supports a preschool in Ramallah, Palestine, and provides office space in the house they own for Right Sharing of World Resources, a Quaker group that provides small loans to women’s businesses in Africa. Betsy was struck by how Quakers around the world support shared social concerns and work for justice.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of Meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Meeting began with silence at 11:00. Forty-eight (48) members and attenders were present. Laura Cribbs was the greeter. David Bartlett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. David French and Anne Kinsley were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Kelly Kennedy DiPasquale read the proposed Queries and Voices on Meeting for Worship from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Religious Education: Barb Adams announced that all RE classes were joining today for thethird and final integrated RE for the year, themed around renewal. She encouraged all committees to sign up to work with the children for one First Day during the summer. Meeting is invited to the Senior Recognition to honor our five graduating high school seniors at the rise of Meeting on Sunday, June 8th. Families are invited to join their children for the end of year RE Picnic scheduled for Sunday, June 15th.
Care and Council: Laura Cribbs announced that there would be a New Member/New Baby welcome on Sunday, June 15th at the rise of Meeting. The Memorial Minute for Robert Conklin has been completed and was published in the most recent newsletter. Martha Menk has been recovering steadily and appreciates the help with meals that Meeting has provided.
Hospitality: Ada Hammer conveyed the gratitude of the committee members for all the help they receive from Meeting members during set-up and cleanup of the monthly potluck. The Meeting wants guests to feel welcomed, so all are invited to come to potluck whether or not they have brought food. Ada noted that there has not been enough food for everyone recently, and urged members to remember to bring food so that they would not continue to run out. The next potluck is to be held at the rise of Meeting on May 25, 2014.
Disaster Relief Group: Francis Stewart read a thank-you letter to supporters that reported on the successful disaster relief trip taken recently by volunteers from Richmond. They worked providing storm repairs in the small town of Crisfield, located in the poorest county in Maryland. As has been the case with previous trips, the logistics in Crisfield were managed by the United Methodist church. This year, the volunteers were allowed to undertake urgent renovation projects that went beyond storm repair.
Ministry and Worship: Ted Heck presented the third draft of the Spiritual State of the Meeting report that will be submitted to BYM. After silence during which people reflected on the report, Meeting approved it without further comment. The clerk commended the committee for their work on the report and their thoughtful incorporation of the voices of Meeting.
Peace and Social Concerns: Dave Depp announced several events:
- Continuing the focus on mass incarceration, Sylvia Clute, representing Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) will speak on Unitive Justice on Sunday, June 1st, 9:30 – 10:45 a.m.
- The Blood Drive will be held at the Meetinghouse on Saturday, June 21st from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. There still is an opportunity to sign up. Those who have already volunteered will be contacted about their appointment time.
- Richmond Peace Education Center is sponsoring a John McCutcheon benefit concert at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 22nd at Maggie Walker Governor’s School.
Trustees: Gordon Davies handed out copies and read the proposed Background Check Policy which has been developed by the Trustees and the Ad Hoc Committee on Child Safety. Background checks are recommended by BYM and are now required by Meeting’s insurance carrier as a prerequisite to renewing our insurance.
In response to questions, Gordon and the other trustees, Ada Hammer and Sanford Hostetter, provided clarification of several points:
- Background checks will be conducted by an outside agency recommended by our insurance company.
- Any adverse findings will be kept confidential; details will be shared with a very limited number of people only if both the individual and the RE Clerk or Nursery Coordinators both wish to proceed.
- While there are certain ‘barrier crimes’ defined by the state which would certainly be red flags for those involved in this process, there has been no decision made that specific findings would lead to automatic exclusion; there was discussion of the role of forgiveness in the discernment process.
- The reports will be stored in Meeting’s safe deposit box for a limited time period.
- Background checks will not be required of people having occasional contact with children, such as during committee-led summer RE sessions or the Spring Retreat; these situations will fall under the more comprehensive Child Safety Policy.
Members commented on the fact that the need for such a policy was disconcerting, as well as on the reality that not all threats will be identified through background checks. In response to a concern raised by a parent, it was clearly stated that the safety of Meeting’s children is paramount, and that safety is the primary reason for this process.
Several members expressed appreciation for the work of the Trustees; others voiced unity with a member who expressed his trust in their work.
Third and Fourth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved with minor corrections. (Approval for third month minutes had been held over.)
Clerk’s Business:
- The Letter to the Editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch concerning the RFM marriage equity minute will be circulated on the listserve.
- Friends General Conference Gathering is June 29th -July 5th outside of Pittsburgh, PA; first-time attenders may request a scholarship from the RFM Mary Hulburt fund.
- BYM Annual Session will be the week of August 4th-10th in Frostburg, MD; the clerk has three free certificates (two days/two nights) for first-time attenders or those who have not attended for more than 10 years.
Other Business: Heidi Rugg reminded people that the Spring Retreat is to be held Memorial Day weekend, May 23rd to 25th, at The Clearing, and asked anybody deciding to go at the last minute to let her know they were coming.
All business being concluded, we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
Tina Mello, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Sixth Month 16, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Sixty-three (63) members and attenders were present. Lynda Perry was greeter. Kelly Kennedy DiPasquale from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Olivier and Beth, with infant (last names not obtained), EunSung Kim, Joclyn Kim and Yael Unternam were welcomed as first time attenders to MWB. David Bartlett read the proposed Queries and Voices on Membership from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Religious Education: Barb Adams reported:
(1) The recognition honoring graduating seniors on June 8 went well. A display about the seniors is still available for viewing.
(2) The RE end-of-year picnic was taking place during MWB.
She then announced:
(1) Not all Sundays on the upcoming summer RE schedule were covered. Committees were asked to sign up for the remaining Sundays. (2) The book sale by Young Friends will continue through the summer at a table in the community room using an honor system. Proceeds will be used for a Quaker-themed trip in the fall. Book donations may be dropped off in Young Friends classroom.
Care and Counsel: Lynda Perry announced:
(1) Ann Carey continues to recover. For more information, contact Chris Olson-Vickers.
(2) At rise of Meeting, a welcome will be held for new members Marjorie Bertolino and Kat Sharp, and new baby Persephone Powell. All were encouraged to attend.
Trustees and Ad Hoc Child Safety Committee: Trustee Ada Hammer presented. Clerk Barbara Hulburt read the original charge from then-Clerk Denna Joy to the ad hoc committee when it was formed in 2013. Ada then reported that after considering responses to the first reading of the Background Checks policy presented at last month’s MWB, the committee has decided to not make any changes. She read the proposed policy. In response to a question, she emphasized that the process for handling any adverse finding would be based on the safety of the children, compassion for the individual, and being reasonable, in that order. One Friend suggested that this Background Checks section of the overall Child Safety Policy should include a clear statement that the overriding priority is the safety of children. Another Friend suggested that this section of the policy should begin with that statement. A number of Friends agreed with these suggestions. Ada and the committee agreed to make the changes requested. The meeting approved the policy, with changes. The Clerk expressed gratitude to the ad hoc committee for their continuing work and to the Meeting for its gentle and thoughtful consideration of this specific policy. The committee expects to share other components of the Child Safety Policy for Meeting’s consideration this fall.
Peace and Social Concerns: Al Simmons reported:
(1) The blood drive will be held on Saturday, June 21, from 9 am to 1 pm. A schedule of donation times is posted in the hallway. Friends who wish to be added to the schedule may contact Dave Depp or Marcia Dickenson.
(2) Tickets are still available for the John McCutcheon concert benefiting the Richmond Peace Education Center on Sunday, June 22, at 7 pm. Contact Dan Shaw.
Clearing Oversight and Building and Grounds: Sam Rugg presented a request for approval for expenditures for HVAC maintenance and improvement work on the lodge at the Clearing. The 25-year old gas furnace in the original lodge is failing. Three estimates were obtained for repair and improvements. The most efficient solution is a heat pump, with gas as backup to prevent damage in cold weather. A new heat pump also will provide air conditioning. This new system for the original lodge will cost about $6,000. The recommended proposal also adds a heat pump and ducts for the new large community room, for two reasons: (1) If only the original lodge is air conditioned, opening the doors and windows into the community room will overload the replacement heat pump on hot days. (2) With air conditioning in the community room, the Clearing will be more attractive for rental during hot months. A second heat pump and ducts for the community room will cost about $10,000. Financial Stewardship confirms that Major Maintenance funds are available, and that HVAC improvements should help increase rental income from the Clearing. Rental income replenishes the Major Maintenance fund for maintenance of both the meetinghouse and the Clearing. One Friend expressed the wish that there be guidance to use the air conditioning deliberately and carefully. Many Friends agreed. The meeting approved the expenditure.
Treasurer’s Report: Marjorie Bertolino announced the beginning of the 2015 budget planning process and asked committees to begin thinking about goals and fund requests for next year. Starting in July, she will distribute worksheets for budget requests. (Requests for the worksheet may be sent to Financial Stewardship will ask for all budget requests in September and prepare a budget in October for first reading in November.
Website Committee: Don Miller announced that the new RFM website is now available at The existing website will be taken down soon. He expressed appreciation for the work of Tom Illmensee in creating the new website, which works with PCs, Macs, tablets and smart phones. Although the basic features are working, the website will continue to be refined with new content and features added. Friends should try the website and send feedback, requests and suggestions to Don by email. Dan Shaw added that the committee is grateful for all feedback and suggestions received so far. Additional information about the website will be in the newsletter.
Working Group on New Jim Crow: Al Simmons reported for the group. He expressed thanks to everyone who attended and participated in the series. He read highlights from the report created by an informal working group that is following up on the series. Two listening circles are planned for the fall for Friends to share about the series and suggest future activities and opportunities for action. The full report will be published in the newsletter.
Fifth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approval is postponed until next month, due to a page being missing from the distributed copy.
Clerk’s Business: (1) At least eight Friends will be attending the Friends General Conference Gathering, June 29 to July 5, near Pittsburgh, PA.
(2) Financial assistance to help with the cost of attending the BYM Annual Sessions (August 4 through 10, 2014, in Frostburg, Maryland) is available to first time attenders and those who haven’t been for ten years or more. Contact the Clerk for details.
(3) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, June 22, at rise of Meeting. Please bring food to share.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Randee Humphrey, Assistant Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Seventh Month 20, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Forty-nine (49) members and attenders were present. Laura Cribbs was greeter. David Bartlett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. David Burgess and Nancy Wellons were welcomed as first time attenders to MWB. Wendy Wadsworth read the proposed Queries and Voices on Diversity from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Care and Counsel: (1) Chris Olson-Vickers reported that Care and Counsel had received letters from EunSung Kim and Jocelyn Kim requesting membership in Meeting, which she read aloud. A Clearness Committee has been held, and Care and Counsel is recommending EunSung and Jocelyn for membership. As is our custom, the recommendation will be held over to the next business meeting (Ninth Month). Chris encouraged Friends to get to know EunSung and Jocelyn during the next two months. (2) Chris reported that Martha Menk is doing better. Martha appreciates the continuing support of Meeting through cards, calls, and visits.
Peace and Social Concerns: Martha Foster reported: (1) The recent blood drive was a success, with 26 volunteers participating. The blood service was grateful for the donations. (2) The committee is working on plans for Meeting’s annual participation in the International Day of Peace, September 21, including meeting with RE classes and a candlelight vigil. (3) The Richmond Peace Festival will be held September 13 at Saint Stephen’s Church. The committee plans to display the collection of boots of Virginia soldiers killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Working Group on The New Jim Crow: Betsy Brinson reported that the group has planned events on Sunday, August 17, at 9:30 am and (tentatively) Sunday, September 21, at 9:30 am. Each of these events will include a Listening Circle to share reactions to The New Jim Crow series, and discussion of three opportunities for Friends to consider for further activity related to mass incarceration: (1) Participation in meeting for worship at Goochland Women’s Prison. (2) Volunteering with Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) to help former inmates. (3) Participation in activities with VA Cure to advocate on policy issues related to mass incarceration. Betsy encouraged Friends to come share about our experiences of the series and learn about things we can do.
Bob Alexander spoke briefly about his involvement with Prison Visitation Services that coordinates visits with prisoners in Petersburg. Interested Friends can contact Bob or Dave Depp.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander reported that the Meeting will be hosting Girls Rock! RVA music camp for the second year. RFM hosts at no cost to the group. This year the program runs August 11-16, 8 am to 4 pm. Bob read the group’s mission statement and invited Friends to visit the program. The participants will give a concert on the last day of the week; location will be announced. For more information, visit the group’s website at
Adult Spiritual Education: Bette Gilchrist presented a report from Monica Shaw on this year’s Friends General Conference Gathering. Fifteen Friends from RFM attended, including one Young Friend. Diana Cole, Ted Heck, Michelle Bellows, and Tracey Cain participanted in this year’s conference and shared the highlights of their experiences, including: reconnecting with Friends, workshops, plenary speakers, opportunities to try something different, photography, shape-note singing, and movies. One participant characterized the conference as a spiritual retreat with total immersion in Quakerism. Several mentioned that FGC is a great experience for children.
Michelle is involved in planning the workshops for the 2015 Sessions and asked for ideas and volunteers. Bette and the participants emphasized that financial support is available for everyone from FGC and our ASE fund. The 2015 FGC sessions have the theme “Seeking Wholeness” and will feature Parker Palmer. In closing, Bette encouraged Friends to attend the upcoming BYM Yearly Meeting Sessions and emphasized that financial support is still available.
Treasurer’s Report: Marjorie Bertolino reported on three items: (1) She introduced the second quarter financial reports. At the halfway point of the financial year, income is below 50% and committee expenses are higher than anticipated. She gave some examples and asked the Meeting to keep in mind that expenses have risen. In response to a question, she explained that the trustees’ expenses had gone up because of the increased cost of insurance. (2) Marjorie announced that she has sent information and planning worksheets to committee clerks with a request to begin the annual budget planning process, starting in earnest in September. (3) She reminded Friends to keep the following in mind when submitting requests for reimbursement: a committee clerk must approve all requests, the name and address of the recipient must be provided, and the line item for the charge must be specified, if a committee budget includes more than one line item.
A Friend noted that the ASE fund has grown considerably and suggested that Friends request financial support more often. He suggested that we need to change our culture to encourage Friends to request the funds that Jean Jones Andersen wanted us to use. Another Friend noted that the ASE fund had grown because of the way it is invested, and wondered whether we had been good stewards of other meeting funds.
Ad Hoc Interim Meeting Planning Committee: Clerk Ada Hammer described the upcoming BYM Interim Meeting to be hosted by RFM on Saturday, October 11, 2014. The primary thing our Meeting needs to do is make all Friends feel welcome. About 120 visiting attendees are expected. She asked for help in the following areas: (1) Morning simple breakfast. (2) Local homes for some committee meetings. (3) Lunch for 120 people. (4) Dinner for about 30 people. (5) Overnight accommodations for Friday and Saturday night for those with long drives. Help is needed to purchase or prepare vegetarian lasagna, chili, cookies and other food, and provide child care. The committee is aware that the Richmond Folk Festival is occurring at the same time and doesn’t expect helpers to stay all day. She asked Friends to contact her with questions and to volunteer.
Fifth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved, with the addition of a statement that approval of the Background Check Policy proposal was held over for one month, and one spelling correction.
Sixth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved, with one spelling correction.
Clerk’s Business: (1) With no pressing business, there will be no Meeting for Worship for Business in August. (2) The BYM Annual Sessions will be August 4 through 10, 2014, in Frostburg, Maryland. (3) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, July 27, at rise of Meeting. Please bring food to share.
Other Business: A Friend asked whether the Meeting has a plan for adults and children in the case of an emergency in the building involving violence. In response to a question from the Clerk, the Friend will raise the issue with the Trustees.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Ninth Month 21, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Sixty-three (63) members and attenders were present. Randee Humphrey was greeter. Kelly Kennedy DiPasquale from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Rebecca Lagana, Haley Cannedy, Andrew Cannady and St. Claire Almond were welcomed as first time attenders to MWB. Howard Garner read the proposed Queries and Voices on Integrity from the proposed Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Religious Education: Catherine Roseberry reported that this year RE has twenty-five (25) students in three classes: elementary, Junior Young Friends, and Young Friends. With several students graduating last year, the total number of participants is down. Contact information for recent graduates will be posted. During MWB, the classes were making T- shirts with peace themes. T-shirts are for sale with proceeds donated to Doctors Without Borders. At 7 pm, RE classes, joined by others from the Meeting will celebrate the International Day of Peace. In October, the classes will be going on a pumpkin outing.
Ad Hoc Interim Meeting Planning Committee:
Committee clerk Ada Hammer reported that preparations are going well for our hosting of the upcoming BYM Interim Meeting on Saturday, October 11, 2014. She thanked the Meeting for coming forward to help. More help can be used in the following areas: servers and greeters for 9 to 11 am, makers of vegetarian chili, (possibly) overnight lodging.
Request from Presiding Clerk of BYM: Acting Clerk Don Miller read part of a letter from BYM Presiding Clerk Ken Stockbridge requesting a meeting to visit with Richmond Friends on Sunday, October 12, 2014, the morning after Interim Meeting. He and a companion from BYM would like Richmond Friends to share something happening here in Richmond that others in BYM would benefit from hearing about, whether a strength or a challenge. Clerk Barbara Hulburt has scheduled 9:30 to 10:45 for a meeting that day and requested ideas from Meeting for what we might share about. The following suggestions were made: (1) Share what has happened at RFM as a result of reading The New Jim Crow. (2) Share how and why RFM conducts Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business in place of regular Meeting for Worship once a month. (3) Ask about how other urban meetings act on issues related to poverty. (4) Share about how our views on marriage have evolved. (5) Ask about Quaker Earthcare Witness and Friends in Unity with Nature. (6) Share about our stewardship of our meetinghouse and The Clearing; what they require from us and what they give to the wider community. (7) Share about our Aging in Community group. These suggestions will be forwarded to the Clerk who will work with others to choose a topic for the meeting with Ken Stockbridge.
Hospitality: Ada Hammer reported on the use of paper plates and an effort to improve the sanitation and effectiveness of our process for cleaning dishes after potluck lunches. Several problems have been identified with the way we were dealing with dirty dishes. As a temporary solution, biodegradable paper plates are being used, but there are concerns about this as a permanent solution. Ada and the committee are getting advice about a larger dishwasher, and a better sink and workflow, including disposal of grease. Ada asked interested Friends to contact her to
inspect the kitchen and discuss the problems and possible solutions. One Friend commented that paper plates are a renewable resource and are sanitary in community meal settings.
Ministry and Worship: Tracey Cain and Ted Heck presented background information and a recommendation that Richmond Friends Meeting be a signatory to an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief planned to be presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, if and when the court agrees to hear appeals of marriage laws in any one of three states, including Virginia. Jim Fussell (Langley Hill Meeting) and JE McNeil (Friends Meeting of Washington) are preparing the brief, which includes background information about Quaker history and testimonies, and makes reference to and describes recent minutes passed by Virginia Meetings, including Richmond Friends Meeting. Tracey explained that it was not clear when there would be an opportunity to file such a brief. She also stated that whether or not we became a signatory, the brief would still reference our minute, which is a public document. Tracey read the committee recommendation and draft brief in full. Ted emphasized that this brief was special because it expands upon what Friends Meetings have done on the issue, including ours. Tracey reminded Friends that when we passed our minute on marriage equality, we expressed the desire to publicize our action as witness to our beliefs. After some additional explanation of the legal process by Steve Bricker and questions, answers, and discussion, one Friend stated that the brief simply included what we have already approved as a statement of our belief and that it made sense to be listed as a signatory to the brief. Many Friends expressed agreement. The recommendation of Ministry and Worship was approved.
Peace and Social Concerns: Martha Foster reported: (1) On October 1, 2014, the Richmond Peace Education Center will display the collection of boots of soldiers from Virginia who died in Iraq and Afghanistan. (2) As part of a series on the environment, the film “The Wisdom to Survive” will be shown on October 5, 2014 at 9:30 am. (3) The food drive for Fan Free Clinic continues through September. (4) The International Day of Peace observance, including candlelight service and vigil, will take place at 7:00 pm tonight at the meetinghouse.
Treasurer’s Report: Incoming treasurer Bronwyn Hughes introduced herself and encouraged Friends to communicate with her using the existing Treasurer’s email address. Steve Humphrey expressed appreciation to Bronwyn for serving as treasurer. He also thanked outgoing treasurer Marjorie Bertolino for her service. Steve reminded Friends that we are three-quarters of the way through our fiscal year, with only slightly over 50% of budgeted contributions received. He encouraged Friends to contribute.
Nursery Co-Coordinators: Janet Thoroman presented a recommendation for laying down using paid staff for the regular 9:15 am to 10:45 am nursery care. The Ministry and Worship and RE committees agree with this recommendation. For the last three years, nursery care at the early time period has been used only two to four Sundays per year. The annual budget for two workers for that time period is $1,500. The recommendation is that any nursery care needed during the early period on Sunday morning be arranged for by the sponsoring committee and paid for from the committee budget. A question was asked about how occasional nursery care will be affected by the Child Safety Policy. That question will be answered when the complete Child Safety Policy is presented to meeting. Friends expressed several concerns: (1) Committee activities are picking up during the early time period and committees want to have parents be able to attend those activities. (2) The cost of paid nursery care will be too much for small committee budgets. (3) If volunteers provide occasional nursery care, will they be required to have background checks? Friends made the following suggestions: (1) Committees should discuss the recommendation before approving it. (2) The current budgeted amount could be kept in a common fund for the use of committees. (3) Develop a list of potential babysitters for committees to contact. (4) Ask for volunteers in Meeting who would be willing to do child care occasionally for an event. They would need to be background checked in advance. Acting Clerk Don Miller asked the co-coordinators to discuss the concerns, questions and suggestions with Clerk Barbara Hulburt before deciding how to proceed.
Care and Counsel: Randee Humphrey reported for the committee: (1) The committee had recommended EunSung Kim and Jocelyn Kim for membership at the Seventh Month MWB, with approval being held over until the next MWB (Ninth Month). Friends approved EunSung and Jocelyn for membership. (2) On October 5, 2014 at rise of Meeting, Care and Counsel will hold a Friendly Forum to talk about the
activities of the committee. All are encouraged to come. (3) The committee received application for membership from long-time attender Martha Foster. Randee read the letter of application. A clearness committee met with Martha and recommends her application be approved. The recommendation will be held over until Tenth Month MWB. (4) Our Meeting received a letter from the Fort Collins Meeting (Colorado) stating that Michelle Bellows, who has been in Richmond since July, 2013, is now a Sojourning Member. (5) Friendly 8s sign-up sheets are still on the bulletin board, Friends are encouraged to join one or more of the informal groups.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander reported that the fall work day will be Saturday, October 18th, from 9 am to 3 pm. Lunch will be provided. There will be a variety of maintenance and improvement tasks, suitable for everyone.
Seventh Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved, as amended with the addition of last names in one paragraph.
Clerk’s Business: (1) Jim Thoroman announced that planning has begun for a fall men’s retreat at The Clearing and asked interested men to contact him with available and preferred dates. (2) Financial Stewardship asks that budget requests for next year be submitted as soon as possible. (3) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, September 28, at rise of Meeting. Please bring food to share.
Other Business: (1) The Memorial Service for Marie D. Clark, wife of the late Bob Clark, will be held at North Run Baptist Church, 2100 Lydell Dr., Henrico Va. 23228 at 10 am Saturday, September 27, 2014. Reception to follow. (2) St. Clair Almond thanked the Meeting for the ASE scholarship for the program he recently attended. (3) Al Simmons announced there would be a VA CURE meeting after potluck lunch next week.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Tenth Month 19, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-six (56) members and attenders were present. Howard Garner was greeter. Rita Willett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Bob Jacobs, Andrew Commisso, Otto Friesen, Lynette Friesen, John Pine, and Deborah Coleman were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Kathryn Beaton read the proposed Queries and Voices on Listening from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Ad Hoc Interim Meeting Planning Committee:
Committee clerk Ada Hammer reported that the committee had welcomed all those attending the BYM Interim Meeting on Saturday, October 11, 2014. The committee organized meals and met other needs of the visiting attenders. Ada reported that the committee asked to be laid down. The committee members were Clarisse Harton, Genevieve Oei, Tera Yoder, Verna Boos, Rhonda Ligon and Ada Hammer, clerk. The committee believes Interim Meeting went well and our guests were well cared for. Two BYM committees met in the homes of Richmond Friends and another Friend hosted a guest for two nights. Ada thanked the members of the committee. She also thanked the many other Richmond Friends who were involved. The number of people at meals was lower than estimated. About 80 Friends were at lunch. All the meals went smoothly and seemed to be appreciated. The committee spent $580 and collected $549 in contributions, mostly placed in the basket set out at meals. Some leftovers were sold to people in Meeting and some items were returned to the store.
Clerk Barbara Hulburt thanked Ada, the committee, and all who helped host the Interim Meeting. She read the following Minute of Appreciation from Ken Stockbridge, Presiding Clerk of BYM:
On behalf of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, thank you for hosting the 10/11/2014 Interim Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. We appreciated your warm and inviting welcome and your bountiful tables of food. We especially appreciated those
Richmond Friends who allowed us to meet in their homes and who hosted a few of us as overnight guests, thus creating wonderful opportunities for personal connections and deep sharing. We recalled a past Interim Meeting held in Richmond where we were able to engage in deep worship, helping us to reach a major decision; at this meeting, we also shared deep worship and reached some major decisions. We are grateful for the effort of Friends who prepared the space for this meeting and other such meetings.
At the Clerk’s request, the Meeting approved laying down the ad hoc committee, with thanks for their work.
Ad Hoc Committee on Child Safety: Clerk Barb Adams reported for the committee and presented the proposed Child Safety Policies. She introduced the other committee members: Trustees Ada Hammer, Gordon Davies and Sanford Hostetter (not present); Nursery Co-Coordinator Janet Thoroman; Religious Education Committee members Catherine Roseberry and Diane Bowden. She noted with appreciation that Steve Bricker (not present) had served as an informal legal advisor. Barb then read the committee’s report, which included the historical background of why a child safety policy for RFM was required and how the policy as a whole (including the previously- approved policy on criminal background checks) was developed. The report touched on what a child safety policy means to a community like ours and outlined the thoughtful and deliberate process the committee went through to address the challenges inherent in establishing a comprehensive and detailed policy. Barb then introduced the Child Safety Policies document by stating that the committee worked hard to create policies (the “what”) and guidelines (the “how”) that are realistic and doable for our Meeting. Copies of the Child Safety Policy were handed out. Barb read the document. Barb made copies of the supporting guidelines available for review with the policies document.
After the presentation, the Clerk reminded Friends that the Child Safety Policies were being presented now for approval by the Meeting at next month’s MWB. The supporting guidelines for committees and positions do not require Meeting’s approval. After a period of silence, the Clerk asked Friends to voice any immediate thoughts and concerns. Friends made several suggestions and positive comments. One Friend requested that Meeting consider what happens if a breakdown occurs in violation of the policies. One Friend suggested that although we need to give the insurance company what is required, our more fundamental responsibility is to hold every person in our community in the Light and treat them with holiness. The Clerk encouraged Friends to consider the proposed policies and contact the ad hoc committee with questions or concerns. The Clerk expressed gratitude to the committee for their fifteen months of work and for the clarity of the report.
Ministry and Worship: Committee clerk Tracey Cain reported for the committee:
(1) The committee discussed the recent Supreme Court action that made same-sex marriage legal in Virginia and reviewed the marriage equality minute we approved at the Third Month 2014 MWB, which stated that we were laying down our practice of signing marriage licenses until marriage was legally available to all couples in Virginia. The committee proposed the following minute of affirmation, now that same-sex marriages are legal in Virginia:
As witness to our testimony of integrity and equality, Richmond Friends Meeting joyfully affirms its commitment to sign marriage licenses for all couples married under the care of the Meeting, as it is now legal for same gender couples to marry in the state of Virginia.
Tracey stated that the committee was open to holding approval of this minute over for a month, but thought it appropriate that it be immediately approved. In response to the question from the Clerk, Friends enthusiastically and joyfully approved. To celebrate marriage equality, Friends were invited to bring 8-by- 8 inch cakes to the October potluck to make a “wedding quilt cake.”
(2) The Ministry and Worship committee and the Adult Spiritual Education Committee will hold a Winter Retreat at The Clearing on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Lynn Domina, a poet and teacher, will lead a day of spiritual and creative expression through writing.
Treasurer’s Report and Financial Stewardship:
Treasurer Bronwyn Hughes and Financial Stewardship committee clerk Steve Humphrey presented the 2014 third quarter financial report and a first draft of proposed line items for the 2015 budget, currently in development. Steve thanked Bronwyn for creating a new quarterly report format and the committee for their work on the draft budget. Bronwyn encouraged Friends to study the proposed budget and contact her by email or phone with comments or concerns. Bronwyn and Steve emphasized that at the end of the third quarter, only 51% of the expected income from contributions had been received. Friends were encouraged to make contributions as soon as possible to support the 2015 budget planning process. A Friend suggested that using automatic monthly bank transfers for contributions can help income be more even over the year. A member of Financial Stewardship described several areas of the 2015 budget and how they reflect what is going on in the Meeting. The committee is looking at all expenses as it prepares the proposed 2015 budget, which will be presented in November for approval in December. One Friend requested a discussion of the proposed reduction of the amount budgeted for FUM. Another Friend requested a list of non-abbreviated names for organizations listed in the budget.
Peace and Social Concerns: Denna Joy reported: (1) On November 2, 2014, at 9:30 am, Dave Depp and Gordon Davies will present a program on the book “The Sixth Extinction” by Elizabeth Kolbert. It is not necessary to read the book to attend. (2) The September food drive for the Fan Free Clinic donated food and $50. (3) Following those reports, Ada Hammer announced that a group from Meeting will be working with the organization Assisting Families of Inmates to provide and serve dinner for families returning from visiting relatives in prison on Saturday, December 6, 2014, at the Second Presbyterian Church. Ada asked for volunteers to serve, cook chili, and bake cupcakes. She requested donations to cover costs (estimated at $100). Ada encouraged interested Friends to contact her for more information.
Care and Counsel: Barbara Myers reported for the committee:
(1) Barbara requested approval of Martha Foster’s application for membership, which was recommended at last month’s MWB. Friends joyfully
(2) Friendly 8’s signup is complete and groups were encouraged to begin activities.
(3) Clarisse Harton announced that a new sheet is available for Friends to sign up to provide rides to Jim Melton to Meeting.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander reported that the fall work day was a success, with many maintenance and repair tasks completed.
Ninth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved, with corrected spelling of one name.
Clerk’s Business: (1) The Clerk puts out mailings and periodicals of interest to the Meeting on the table in front of the bulletin board.
(2) During the discussion of the marriage equality minute earlier this year, a concern was raised about whether our Meeting should participate in legal marriage at all, regardless of whether it became available to all couples. At that time, the Clerk offered to have Meeting revisit that concern should we find ourselves in the position of signing licenses again. Because of the specific language of the minute we approved in Third Month, 2014 and the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in Virginia, we are now in that position. If Friends are led to address the issue of separating Meeting from any connection to the legal aspects of marriage, please contact the Clerk.
(3) The next potluck lunch is Sunday, October 26, at rise of Meeting. Please bring food to share.
Other Business: Clarisse Harton announced that the Meeting had received a $100 donation from the League of Women Voters in the name of Mariette Norbom, who donated hand-made aprons.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Eleventh Month 16, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Sixty-one (61) members and attenders were present. Mary Julia Street was greeter. Kelly Kennedy DiPasquale from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Karis Townsend, Taylor Vaughn, and Sammi Scarola were welcomed as first time attenders to MWB. Michelle Bellows read the proposed Queries and Voices on Outreach from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Ad Hoc Committee on Child Safety: Committee clerk Barb Adams presented the proposed Child Safety Policies for the second reading; this version incorporated modest revisions based on suggestions received in October. Acting Clerk Randee Humphrey asked Friends for questions and comments. One Friend commented that as a parent, she felt gratitude for the proposed policies and for the fact that they were similar to those implemented by BYM for children’s activities. The Clerk emphasized that the details of how the policies were being implemented were described in the associated guidelines documents, available to all. Responding to the question from the Clerk, the Meeting approved the Child Safety Policies. Barb then stated that, their work complete, the ad hoc committee asked to be laid down. The meeting approved laying down the committee, with thanks for their work.
Religious Education: Barb Adams announced two upcoming events: (1) A Christmas program with a variety of activities will be held Sunday, December 14, 2014, at 11 am. (2) A Candlelight Christmas will be held Sunday, December 21, 2014, from 7 to 8 pm.
Finally, Barb reported that the Young Friends had interviewed several members of the Meeting. If other Friends are interested in being interviewed, they are encouraged to contact Barb. The Young Friends hope to incorporate the interviews into a short documentary film.
Religious Education/Nursery Coordinators: Co- coordinator Janet Thoroman presented a new proposal for laying down routine, paid Nursery staffing for the early (9:15 to 10:45) time period each Sunday, based on responses to the initial
proposal presented in September. Janet and co- coordinator Tera Yoder, after conferring with Clerk Barbara Hulburt, propose an alternative child care arrangement–open to children of all ages–that is financially prudent and makes RFM early First Day activities accessible to all. The proposal is that, in addition to our available paid staff, Janet and Tera will develop a roster of volunteers with completed background checks who may be called to provide Nursery coverage. Committees planning early First Day activities should anticipate any needs for child care and notify Janet or Tera at least two weeks’ out with their request. The Clerk asked for comments and suggestions. Steve Humphrey, clerk of Financial Stewardship, asked Janet to confer on the adjusted budget amount for paid staffing proposed for the 2015 budget. One Friend suggested that it be up to the co-coordinators to work out the details of whether paid or volunteer staff are called upon first to fill expressed needs for early child care. Another Friend emphasized that committees who wish to have child care available will need to plan in advance and announce whether or not it will be available. After several more comments, the Meeting approved the laying down of routine, paid Nursery care during 9:15-10:45 am Sundays.
Ad Hoc Committee on BYM Proposed Faith and Practice: Diane Bowden reported for the ad hoc committee formed in First Month 2014 by Clerk Barbara Hulburt in response to a request from BYM to read and respond to the proposed Faith and Practice that was not approved at 2013 Annual Session. The committee, made up of Bob Alexander, Diane Bowden, Tracey Cain, Bronwyn Hughes, Don Miller, and Elizabeth Smith, met five times over the year to prepare its final report. Diane handed out copies and, after a brief silence, read the report. Several Friends made positive comments. In response to the question from the Clerk, Friends accepted the report. The Clerk thanked the committee for their work. The committee asked to be laid down. Friends approved. It is expected that the Clerk Barbara Hulburt will forward the report to BYM.
Building and Grounds: Bob Alexander reported that the oak tree next to the building was dying and needed to be removed to avoid damage to the meetinghouse and a neighbor’s property. The lowest bid, $1600, is from a reputable tree service. The money will come from the major maintenance account. A Friend asked if the wood might be made available for those who heat with wood. Friends approved the expense.
Financial Stewardship: Committee clerk Steve Humphrey reminded Friends of the initial proposal for the 2015 budget presented in October with the 2014 third quarter financial report. The current situation is that compared to $63,825 budgeted in 2014 for contributions, only $39,842 has been received, which is 62% of the budget amount. This leaves $23,953 to be contributed before the end of the year. The committee has chosen to remain optimistic that contributions will be made and hopes to present for approval in December a budget similar to its initial proposal. If contributions do not pick up, the committee will have to revise the budget, likely reducing contributions to Quaker organizations. Friends were reminded that our contributions allow us to do good work that reflects our beliefs and values.
Nominating Committee: Barbara Myers presented the draft of the 2015 Committee List and Positions Roster. As a work in progress, it did not include the names of some Friends who had already agreed to serve. Barbara asked Friends to review the list and roster, and to volunteer or suggest others. Representatives of several committees asked for volunteers. Friends interested in serving were encouraged to contact Barbara or the other members of the committee: Ann Gray, Brooke Davis and Don Miller. In addition, Barbara asked the Meeting to approve that Website Committee, currently ad hoc, become a standing committee. Friends approved, with guidance that Nominating Committee may want to broaden the scope of this committee to include other communication technologies.
Ministry and Worship: Committee clerk Tracey Cain made two announcements: (1) A Christmas Eve Meeting for Worship will be held Wednesday, December 24, 2014 at 5 pm. (2) The Ministry and Worship committee and the Adult Spiritual Education Committee will hold a Winter Retreat at The Clearing on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Lynn Domina, a poet and teacher, will lead a day of spiritual and creative expression through writing.
Adult Spiritual Education: Acting Clerk Randee Humphrey made announcements for Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre: (1) A Winter Solstice Bible Workbench in memory of Jean Jones Andersen will be held Saturday, December 20, 2014. (2) A Winter/Spring “Spirit and the Environment” series will be held at 9:30 am on 2nd Sundays, starting January 11, 2015.
Peace and Social Concerns: Al Simmons reported: (1) The film “Reel Theology: Goal Dreams” will be shown tonight at 6 pm at Congregation Or Ami, 9400 Huguenot Road. (2) The Mobile Justice Tour to end mass incarceration will be at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, 172 Mechanicsville Turnpike, on Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 6-8 pm. (3) “Common Sense for the Commonwealth: Clean Energy,” a rally sponsored by the Sierra Club, will be held on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 12:30 pm at the State Capitol. For more information call Kendyl Crawford at 757-268-8810. (4) The film “Paycheck to Paycheck” will be shown Thursday, November 20, 2014, 6-8 pm, at the Islamic Center of Virginia, 1241 Buford Road. The showing is sponsored by Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy.
Tenth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Carried over until Twelfth Month.
Clerk’s Business: (1) The BYM Annual Sessions, August 3-9, 2015 has the theme “Living Into Right Relationship.” Workshop proposals are invited up to February 15, 2015. (2) Randee reminded Friends to park only on Commonwealth Avenue, and not on Kensington Avenue, in consideration of our neighbors. (3) This year’s Holiday Carol Sing and potluck breakfast will be held Sunday, December 7, 2014, 9-10:30 am at Randee and Steve Humphrey’s, 1604 Confederate Avenue.
Other Business: Jay Tubb announced the Men’s Retreat to be held at The Clearing on December 6, 2014 from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Contact Jay for more information.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Randee Humphrey, Assistant Clerk James Thoroman, Recording Clerk
Richmond Friends Meeting
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Twelfth Month 21, 2014
Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-seven (57) members and attenders were present. Margaret Edds was greeter. David Bartlett from Ministry and Worship sat on the facing bench to hold Meeting in the Light. Daniel Farrell and Kimberly Compton were welcomed as first-time attenders to MWB. Clarisse Harton read the proposed Queries and Voices on Simplicity from the Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Faith and Practice.
Peace and Social Concerns: Dave Depp announced two upcoming events: (1) The Film “Death in Jerusalem” will be shown on January 10, 2015 at the Bon Air Presbyterian Church at 6 pm. The event is one in a series organized by Richmonders for Peace in Israel and Palestine. The film expresses the feelings of parents on both sides of the conflict that have lost children. (2) Dave invited Friends to participate in the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) Advocacy Day at the General Assembly on Tuesday, January 20, 2015. Additional information will available at the December 28 potluck lunch.
Ada Hammer then reported on the meal provided by RFM on December 6, 2014, to participants returning from prison visits organized by Assisting Families of Inmates. The Meeting provided a meal to between 60 and 70 people. Donations from Meeting covered almost all the cost. Friends interested in organizing a meal can see Ada for information. Working on a meal also provides an opportunity to talk with visitors and hear their stories.
Hospitality: Ada Hammer reported that the committee is getting two estimates related to updating the kitchen for efficiency and sanitation: (1) Replacing the dishwasher with a more capable commercial one. (2) Redoing the kitchen counter space, including the sink, but keeping the current dishwasher. After considering the estimates, the committee will return to Meeting with additional information.
Religious Education: Catherine Roseberry announced the Family Candlelight Christmas, with carol singing, reading of the Christmas story, and lighting of candles to be held December 21st from 7 to 8 pm. She encouraged everyone to come.
Nominating Committee: Barbara Myers presented the final 2015 Committee List and Positions Roster and distributed copies. After Friends reviewed the document, two additions were made: (1) Marjorie Bertolino was added to the Clearing Usage and Promotion sub-committee. (2) Elizabeth Smith was added as a second coordinator with VICPP with Sally Gudas. Friends approved the list. Chris Olson-Vickers noted that there are no men on Care and Counsel, and asked the men of the Meeting to consider joining the committee to provide a male perspective. The Clerk thanked the nominating committee for their work. She also expressed gratitude to everyone serving on a committee or in a position. One Friend expressed gratitude and delight at the miracle that each year so many Friends commit to do the work of the Meeting and allow us to operate the way we do.
Adult Spiritual Education: Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre announced the following: (1) The first of the monthly series of Bible study sessions for 2015 will be held January 4 at 9:45 am. The study is based on a book about Celtic prayer. Friends are encouraged to bring their own copies of the Bible. (2) The first in a Winter/Spring “Spirit and the Environment” series will be held January 11, 2015, at 9:30 am, with Harry Wistrand.
Ministry and Worship: Tracey Cain made two announcements: (1) A Christmas Eve Meeting for Worship will be held Wednesday, December 24, 2014 at 5 pm. Friends are invited to gather at 4:30 to sing before worship. (2) The Ministry and Worship committee and the Adult Spiritual Education Committee will hold a Winter Retreat at The Clearing on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Lynn Domina, a poet and teacher, will lead a day of spiritual and creative expression through writing.
Financial Stewardship: Committee clerk Steve Humphrey and Treasurer Bronwyn Hughes presented the 2015 budget. The budget is the same as was presented in October, with the exception of: (1) $600 for Wifi was removed from the general fund budget (Adult Spiritual Education has agreed to fund). (2) The contribution amount for Friends United Meeting was restored to last year’s amount. (3) $250 was added for Ramallah Friends School.
There was a concern expressed, and discussion about, whether a line item for financial assistance from Care and Counsel should remain in the budget to emphasize our corporate commitment to meeting these needs. After discussion, Friends decided to add back the $200 as a line item. The Financial Stewardship committee will discuss the suggestions made about the line item and management of the Fund for Sufferings and report back to Meeting in January.
A Friend noted that RFM has recently filled the position of Visibility Coordinator and suggested that $100 for Visibility be restored to the budget. With these changes, Friends approved the 2015 budget. Steve reminded Friends that in addition to approving the expenditures, they were committing to make contributions to meet the expenditures.
Care and Counsel: Margaret Edds announced that Louise Barnard, mother of Julia Hebner, passed away peacefully at home on December 10, 2014. Margaret asked for a period of silence for reflection and holding in the Light those who were suffering and grieving.
Aging Group: Chris Olson-Vickers announced that the Aging In Community group will have an organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 7:15 pm at the Meetinghouse. She described the group and its mission and activities, and encouraged all Friends of retirement age (which everyone is free to define individually) to come.
Tenth Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved, with deletion of “to support the 2015 budget planning process” from the Treasurer’s Report.
Eleventh Month 2014 MWB Minutes: Approved.
Clerk’s Business: (1) The Clerk reported that Rita Willett, who is now a core teacher in the School of the Spirit, has asked for a letter of spiritual support from the Meeting that she can present as she visits other meetings. At the Clerk’s request, Rita described the program’s emphasis on connection with the home meeting and how important to her the support of RFM has been. Friends approved providing Rita with a letter of support. The Clerk asked Friends to support Rita by asking her about her leading. (2) The next potluck lunch is at rise of Meeting on Sunday, December 28, 2014. (3) The Clerk requested a volunteer to help review the 2014 financial records, working with Charlotte Davenport, and then leading the review of the next year’s records. Time commitment is about four to six hours.
Other Business: Barbara Myers asked current committee clerks to call the January committee meetings when the new committee clerks will be selected.
All business being concluded we settled into silence until the rise of meeting was signaled from the facing bench.
Barbara Hulburt, Clerk
James Thoroman, Recording Clerk