Friends, you have heard about the upcoming moi spiritual formation program at RFM – an opportunity to deepen our spiritual understanding and practice, as individuals and as a community. Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s spiritual formation program serves as an umbrella for local spiritual formation groups – like the group at RFM – across the yearly meeting. BYM offers a fall and spring retreat each year to support and enhance the spiritual formation experience in local meetings. The 2020 fall retreat will be online Sept 18 and 19 – information below or at retreat will be led by experienced facilitators Amy Schmaljohn and Alan Evans. It’s an opportunity for a time of retreat and a chance to connect with Friends across the yearly meetingThe retreat fee will be “pay as led” so cost should not be a barrier. All are welcome at this retreat – whether or not you are able to participate in Richmond’s Spiritual Formation program over the coming year. 

For information about the upcoming year-long spiritual formation program at RFM, please contact Joe Ball at

Contact me if you have questions about the BYM weekend retreat – it’s under the care of BYM Ministry and Pastoral Care committee, where I serve as a member. 

Rita Willett