Our series Mysticism: Living from the Inside Out will be presented virtually on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. These programs will be recorded and put on the RFM website for later viewing. Contact the presenter if you have a questions about the session or the references. We will send the link for each program through the Newslist on the Friday before the session.

September 26: German Benedictine Abbess: Hildegard of Bingen. Barbara Hulburt presenting
Hildegard of Bingen (12th century) was an extraordinary woman and mystic whose writing still speaks to us today. Her mystical visions led her to a profound understanding of spirituality and she was a preacher, advisor, and spiritual guide to many. In this program we will see what Hildegard has to say to us about spirituality as a reflection of the “living light.”

October 10: American Peace Activist: Mildred Norman, Peace Pilgrim. Marjorie Bertolino presenting
Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981), born Mildred Lisette Norman, was an American spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist and peace activist. In 1952, she became the first woman to walk the entire length of the Appalachian Trail in one season. Starting on January 1, 1953, in Pasadena, California, she adopted the name “Peace Pilgrim” and walked across the US for 28 years, speaking with others about peace. She was on her seventh cross-country journey when she died.
Suggested reading is “Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words” available free by request at https://www.peacepilgrim.org/to-receive-free-peace-pilgrim-book

October 24: Anderson Johnson, Visionary Artist of Virginia. Catherine Roseberry presenting
“I’ve heard of folk art – but what’s visionary art?”
Before I talk about Anderson Johnson (1915-1998) this fall, it might be helpful to be introduced to the confusing nomenclature surrounding the form commonly known as folk art. It’s messy, inconsistent, sometimes used interchangeably and a lot of times not.
The American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore has a good, relatively short commentary about this debate accompanying their mission statement (http://www.avam.org/stuff-everyone-asks/what-is-visionary-art.shtml). If you’re so moved, read the top of the page through “Can’t trained artists also hear their own voices?” Then for fun poke around their website, especially the section called “Our Visionaries.” Mr. Johnson isn’t here, but a lot of folks are. If you want a preview of his work, here are two versions of his Queen of Sheba paintings.

November 7: Contemporary Mystics in Action. Howard Garner presenting
It is a mistake to think of mystics as people who spend their days meditating in isolation from the world’s problems. In this session we will study the work of two modern-day mystics who live from the inside out and are making a difference in the world.
Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and the founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is the author of over 20 books, including “Yes, And…” He is an internationally known speaker and contributor to several publications on daily spiritual practice.
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Buddhist Zen master exiled from Vietnam in 1973 for his peace activism. He is a beloved teacher, scholar, peace activist, and poet, having written over 100 books, including “Living Buddha, Living Christ.” He is the founder of Plum Village, near Bordeaux, France, a Beloved Community with over 200 Buddhist monks in residence.

November 21: “Mystical Union”: Synthesis and Integration. ASE Committee facilitating
Where we put it all together.