Over the past month, our work has focused on a large number of conscientious objection cases at varying stages of the process. In one case, we have had the privilege of supporting a Muslim conscientious objector. She is the first CO we have worked with who is part of the new Space Force, which falls under Air Force command and regulations. A couple weeks ago she was interviewed by the appointed investigating officer (IO) for her case. We were pleased to see that the IO very conscientiously educated himself beforehand about Islam by doing his own research, which included seeking out a Muslim chaplain. In the interview, our applicant was relaxed, confident, and candid about her faith; the IO subsequently recommended her for approval. Her written application beautifully sums up the basis of her belief:

I believe that war, fighting, and harming others is wrong. Islam preaches justice, mercy, fairness, and forgiveness. I believe that God wants every being to live peacefully and to treat one another well, and like brethren. We are not meant to be divided and feuding. In the Quran, Allah says, “Mankind is a single nation” (C2, V213). Unfortunately, Muslims everywhere often suffer from the stigma that some extremists have caused. But like most Muslims, I believe that we are all one and should all be behaving like such. I believe that if I am participating in the harm of some, I am participating in the harm of all and God has opposed this behavior. The Holy Quran says, “To kill one innocent person is akin to killing all mankind…” (C5, V32).

Quaker House supports the GI Rights Network through the work of paid counselors Steve and Lenore, and executive director Kindra Bradley, who serves on the GI Rights Network board of directors. Steve, Lenore and Kindra recently completed a training session for 10 new, volunteer GI Rights Hotline counselors, who are currently “shadowing” the trained counselors on client calls. Find out more about the GI Rights Network here: https://quakerhouse.org/counselors-to-the-gi-rights-hotline/

******* Friends Meeting and individual donors are a continuing source of support for Quaker House. Thank you!