Dear Friends,
Ministry and Worship Committee has decided that, for the next three Sundays (December 26, January 2, and January 9), worship on Sunday mornings will be on Zoom only. This is an interim policy until the 2022 Ministry and Worship Committee meets on January 8, when they can formulate a way forward.
There will be no 9:30 meeting for these three weeks.

Since you are receiving this message so late, there will also be worship in the meetinghouse  at 11 am tomorrow (December 26) for those who come to the meetinghouse. It will not be blended with the Zoom meeting.

This interim policy, of course, is dictated by concern about the recent rapid rise in the number of covid cases. We are sorry for the very late announcements of important changes. It has been a scramble to keep up with the rapidly changing health and safety environment!
We hope you have had a warm, safe, and happy Christmas Day. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!