The Board of Directors of Quaker House is pleased to announce the appointment of Wayne W. Finegar II to the position of Executive Director, effective March 1, 2022


Mr. Finegar graduated from Swarthmore College in 1989 with a BA in Philosophy and received a JD degree from the University of Maryland School of Law in 1993. After 9 years of practicing plaintiff’s personal injury law, he became the at-home parent for his three sons. In 2009 he joined the staff of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, eventually serving as the Associate General Secretary and then the Acting General Secretary.

He looks forward to living in Fayetteville and helping our service members who are injured and/or mistreated by our country’s warfare. He believes “that the testimony of peace requires seeking to end all forms of violence and that this work includes supporting every victim of that violence.”


Mr. Finegar will:

• Serve as the organization’s primary community builder, spokesperson, and administrator 

• Work with the board and staff to construct and execute a strategic plan to expand the Quaker House mission in North Carolina and nationally.

• Attend and speak at gatherings such as monthly, quarterly,and yearly meetings of the Religious Society of Friends, other faith communities, and local partner organizations.

• Articulate the Quaker House mission in an inspiring way to internal and external constituencies.

• Develop and supervise peace witness programs—currently Counseling, Truth in Recruiting, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Moral Injury in the Military, and coordinate with the GI Rights Network.

• Engage in the local community, building relationships and partnerships that advance the mission 


Mr. Finegar succeeds Kindra Bradley, who has served as Executive Director since 2017.


“Kindra was Executive Director of Quaker House when I became a board member,” said Patricia Stansbury, clerk of the Quaker House Board. “Her calm leadership and informed passion were the face of our mission for me. Her adoption and adaptation of virtual technology connected us so we could continue our work. Quaker House is in good shape for this transition because of Kindra‘s focus and supportive spirit.”


During Kindra’s tenure, the work of Quaker House encompassed an active family counseling program for survivors of domestic abuse, and supported the nationwide GI Rights Hotline, a service which Quaker House helped found in 1994. She also took part in hearings for the Congressionally chartered National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, which explored an expansion of the Selective Service System. Kindra paid special attention to maintaining the rights of conscientious objectors and advocated ending the system for all rather than requiring the registration of women. This was in addition to organizing numerous peaceful antiwar protests and leading Quaker House in supporting local Black Lives Matter and police oversight activism. The board thanks Kindra for her exceptional service and wishes her well in her next endeavor.

Who we are: For over 50 years Quaker House has operated in Fayetteville, NC, home of Ft. Bragg, to manifest the Friends’ Peace Testimony in a military city. 

What we do: Quaker House provides counseling and support to service members who are questioning their role in the military; educates them, their families, and the public about military issues; and advocates for a more peaceful world. 


Patricia Stansbury, Clerk

Quaker House Board of Directors / 804 617 6312


Contact Information for Wayne Finegar: 910 323-3912

Lynn Newsom, former executive director 704-604-8798

GI Rights Network: