Serving on a committee or holding a position is a wonderful way to become more integrated into the RFM community.
Since Richmond Friends Meeting has no paid pastor or staff, the work of keeping the Meeting going is done entirely by its community of members and attenders. There are some 16 standing committees and more than 25 positions to be filled each year. Committees operate in the Quaker way, requiring a sense of the committee to move forward. Thus all who serve are equally important to a committee’s functioning.
A list of all committees, with descriptions, is on the Meeting website: Click on About Us on the top menu and scroll to Meeting Organization. (Or contact Janet Thoroman for the complete list.)
The Nominating Committee, appointed by the Clerk of Meeting, seeks each fall to find people in the RFM community who can best serve on each committee and fill each position for the coming calendar year. It presents a draft roster to Meeting for Business in November and then the final roster in December. Upon approval, the new committees begin their work in January.
If you feel led to serve, or have any questions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee:
Joe Ball
Denna Joy Michael Pierce Janet Thoroman Christy Woody