Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre invited F/friends to participate in the 2024-25 Spiritual Journey program, which will begin with a large-group opening session and potluck at 6:30 pm on October 6 at the meetinghouse. Small groups will meet throughout the year until May. For more information on the program or to register, contact Mary Fran. A Friend rose and spoke with approval of how the program helped her integrate into the meeting when she was a new attender.


  • Listening for Spirit in Contemplation will use a worship sharing format in response to sacred readings or poetry from many traditions. Alternate Thursdays online 9 to 10 am. Facilitated by Sylvia Shurcliff.
  • Spiritual Companions Group offers worship sharing in response to a query, or to sharing spiritual autobiographies. In person. Facilitated by Mary Fran McIntyre.
  • Spiritual Classics Reading Group reads writings by prominent Friends, and classics from other faiths as selected by the group.  The group worship-shares about how the reading speaks (or does not speak) to each person’s life. Facilitator is to be determined. 
  • Parenting As a Spiritual Journey Support Group is for parents, guardians or grandparents desiring to live Quaker values as children evolve– birth through empty nest.  Child care available through Religious Education program, 4th Sundays 11:15 am to 12:05 pm. Book provided. An in person drop-in group. Facilitated by a variety of seasoned Quaker parents.
  • Spiritual Friendship (group of 2) is for sharing spiritual journeys. Time and format are chosen by the pair, such as sharing joys and concerns, or suggestions from handouts about spiritual friendships. Virtual or in person.
  • Spirit at Play is a creativity group experiencing a different art form each month as an opening to Spirit.  In person. Facilitated by Carolyn Moul.
  • Faithfulness Group explores “How do we live our faith?” with Marcel Martin’s process. Group chooses in person or virtual. Facilitated by Ellen Arginteanu.

For more information contact Mary Fran McIntyre.