The RE committee would like to clarify a procedure for parents of babies. Babies will not be brought to the Meeting room with the older children at the rise of meeting. For safety reasons, we ask that parents please retrieve their babies immediately following the conclusion of announcements, relieving our nursery staff & volunteers in a timely manner.
The RE committee is looking for a few more nursery volunteers and a new Nursery Coordinator. This is a low-demand role that offers a great opportunity for young and/or new attendees to meet and get to know people in our community. A background check is required. See Kassia Arbabi or Elizabeth Price for more information.
On February 2nd, children will experience Yoga on Groundhog Day led by Mary Burruss! They are invited to bring yoga mats or beach towels. They should wear clothes that are easy to move in and appropriate for bending or child’s pose.
We continue to seek volunteers for the occasional non-RE sponsored event. These events currently happen only once or twice per month. Volunteers may agree to work these events as little or often as they wish. No curriculum planning or teaching is typically needed. Volunteering for an event is usually done with one of our paid nursery workers. Two adults are required to be present in any room with children. A background check filed with RFM is required. Please contact Elizabeth Price if you are interested.