Are you interested in becoming a Faith & Play facilitator?
The Sandy Spring Friends Meeting Religious Education Committee is hosting a Faith and Play training taught by Melinda Wenner-Bradley, taking place at the Sandy Spring Meetinghouse, March 21-23. Faith and Play is a story-based spiritual formation curriculum for children. ALL members of the BYM community are welcome to register. Registration costs are covered by Adult Spiritual Education. Please let Kathryn Beaton or Elizabeth Price know if you are interested in attending. You may also reach out to Flyer with more detailed information can be found here: Playing-in-the-Light-flyer-SSFM-March-2025.pdf
Volunteer Opportunities Available:
The RE committee is looking for those interested in working with or in support of children in the following roles:
- Nursery Coordinator: A job description can be found here: 2025 Nursery Coordinator Responsibilities
- Nursery Volunteers – Very Occasionally
- Non-RE Event Volunteers – Very Occasionally
Background checks are required. Please contact Elizabeth Price if you are interested.
If your child attends Religious Education at RFM, look for the monthly email update. This is where you can find out what’s being taught in classes, what’s coming up, and other useful information about our children’s program.