All of us have struggled with whether to stand up and give a message during Meeting for Worship. The Adult Spiritual Education (ASE) Committee is sponsoring a workshop to help us think about this struggle, by using the pamphlet, “On Vocal Ministry” by Barry Crossno and J. Brent Bell, which is available free to anybody who wants one. Here are two paragraphs to get you started:

Vocal ministry is a spiritual practice.  That’s fortunate because, as with any practice, there is a body of knowledge and experience to turn to.  In this pamphlet, we’ll lay out some principles found in that body of knowledge which can guide Friends in giving vital vocal ministry.  By “vital vocal ministry” we mean messages that take the community of faith deeper into what is helpful, loving, challenging, and timeless.  As George Fox said, “Friends, meet together and know one another in that which is eternal, which as before the world was.”

Meeting for worship is at the heart of Quaker faith and practice.  Although our personal direct experience of the Divine is central to our individual spiritual lives, it is in communal worship that we gather together to hear the Voice that has spoken through the generations and still speaks today.

Copies of the Pendle Hill Pamphlet #460 are available in the RFM worship room foyers.

To reach as many people as possible, we are offering two similar workshop sessions:

  • In person in the community room, Sunday, March 30, 9:30 am – 10:45 am
  • On Zoom, Saturday, April 5, 10 am – 11:15 am

During both sessions we will be discussing the same questions which can be found at the end of the pamphlet, “On Vocal Ministry”. Childcare is available on Sunday, March 30th at 9:15 am. Contact Monica Shaw with questions or concerns.