As Quakers, we have no creed to recite, no confession of confess, no rituals to undergo that will reliably bring us into the fullness of membership. But we do have a rich and inspiring tradition; we each other; and we have the Spirit. . . which, we are promised, will “lead us into all things.” Thomas Gates, 2004

Richmond Friends Meeting is a diverse community of seekers. We welcome all who wish to explore Quaker principles, testimonies, and way of worship.
If you wish to consider membership after attending Meeting and participating in our community, the following may be helpful as you continue on your quest:
First, we suggest that you attend Meeting for Worship on a regular basis, become involved in committee work, and participate in Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business in order to understand fully the meaning of the commitment to become a member.
Second, prospective members are encouraged to become familiar with Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice. Other Books to consider reading are: The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction by Pink Dandelion and Friends for 350 Years by Howard Brinton. These books are available in our library and through the Friends General Conference bookstore,
If you are then led to seek membership, submit a letter to the Clerk of Meeting saying why you wish to request membership in the Richmond Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends. If you like, describe the journey that led you to seek membership. The clerk will submit your letter to the Care and Counsel Committee, which will form a Clearness Committee to discuss with you your application and your readiness for membership.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask any member of Care and Counsel for guidance.