From Joe Ball for the Spiritual Foundation planning group:

“The heart of Spiritual Formation is the intimate sharing that takes place in small group.”

            Juan Whittington

“Our Spiritual Formation Program offers practical ways for seekers to deepen their personal spiritual experience while building community. No matter where you are on your journey, the Spiritual Formation Program meets you there.”

            From “Sacred Intersections: Spiritual Formation Program,” Baltimore Yearly Meeting

The focus for RFM Spiritual Formation this year will be Practical Quaker Mysticism. Readings will include but not be limited to two Pendle Hill pamphlets: John Yungblut, “Speaking as One Friend to Another: On the Mystical Way Forward” and Rex Ambler, “Mind the Oneness: The Mystic Way of the Quakers.” [Pamphlets will be provided by Adult Spiritual Education]

As in the past, each small group of 5-7 people will meet once a month, and all participants will meet in a large group once a month.

Because of the topic and the richness of the ASE program on “Mysticism: Living From the Inside Out” which will take place from September 12th to November 21st, we will start Spiritual Formation in early September this year to coordinate with and build on the ASE program. 

If you have any questions about Spiritual Formation, please contact Joe Ball at

In the meantime, we encourage you to sign up by sending me the following information:

·         Name

·         Preferences for Small Group meetings:

·         Morning, afternoon, or evening?

·         Weekday or weekend?

·         Zoom or in-person (with appropriate social distancing as needed)

·         Willing to serve as a small group leader: Yes/No

· Willing to serve as a Zoom host: Yes/No