The children’s religious education program (RE) is taking a break for the summer. We’ll be back this fall. And when we can return to the building, RE will offer an exciting new expanded curriculum which will more fully integrate our children into our loving RFM community.

We’ll get to know each other better through multi-age activities like singing, cooperative games, or yoga, to name a few. But especially through the new FAITH AND PLAY program which is funded through one of the Donna Knicely bequest mini-grants.

FAITH AND PLAY is a set of stories for Friends to use as a way to learn about Quaker faith and practice and to explore what it means to be a Quaker. Participants can find meaning in the stories, drawing on their own life experience, no matter one’s age.

The FAITH AND PLAY stories are told both verbally and visually, using simple materials, with participants gathered in a circle.

The story telling embodies the spirit of worship. All are invited to wonder out loud together and to answer stimulating queries. There is a deep respect and affirmation of each person’s sharing, no matter one’s age.

Also FAITH AND PLAY includes creative expression using art or conversation or the story materials.

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The RE Committee will be explaining this program in more depth in the fall. When the time comes, we are eager for adult Friends to sign up for a weekend of training here in our building. After the training, being a leader, co- leader or aide (as many or as few times as you want) will give you the opportunity to experience the workings of the Spirit in children and in yourself. Our meeting will reap the benefits of a more integrated spiritual community.

Contact Monica Shaw with questions. If you’d like to find out more about FAITH AND PLAY, here’s the link: