Friends, for the latest on the Gathering, go to:


Remember, Adult Spiritual Education has funds to support Friends attending the Gathering. 
Registration DetailsWhen to Register

Early Registration starts April 11, 2022 around 10:00am (Eastern Daylight Time.) All full-time registrations completed during this time have equal access to workshops and housing options, and priority consideration for financial aid. Early registration closes April 21, 11:59pm EDT.

Registration will temporarily close from April 22–28: Lotteries will occur for any oversubscribed workshops & housing choices. All early registrants will be informed of their workshop & housing assignments.

Standard Registration starts April 29: Workshops and financial assistance will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Beginning June 1, there is a late fee for all full-time and half-Gathering registrations. Late fees will not be charged for part-time registrations. 

Deadlines for younger FriendsJunior Gathering participants (infant – rising 9th grade) must register by May 31. High School program (teens in rising 10th grade to 12th grade*) participants must be registered by June 10.  Registration is not complete until FGC receives a Parental Release Form for each registered young Friend.

You can contact Ada Hammer for questions.