Please join the ad hoc Committee on Race and Racism, the Committee on Ministry and Worship, and the Adult Spiritual Education Committee for this year’s fall retreat. Michelle Cassandra Johnson – author, social worker, yoga teacher, and Dismantling Racism trainer – will lead us in an exploration of the intersection of contemplative spirituality with racial justice work. You can learn more about Michelle at her website, Two of her books – We Heal Together and Finding Refuge – are also on display in the meetinghouse foyer, near the bulletin board.

This is her description of the day she has planned for us:

The work of creating conditions for racial justice requires us to be open to changing ourselves and commit to changing our communities and the world around us. Richmond Friends Meeting has spent intentional time focused on racial justice. The fall retreat will focus on truly embodying racial justice work and seeing it as a contemplative practice essential for personal and collective transformation. The retreat will include meditation, community connection, silence, reflection, gentle movement, and communal time with nature and the elements.

We are excited about this retreat and hope it will guide how we live out the Minute on Race and Racism which we adopted early this year.

Location          The Clearing

Schedule        9 AM to 10 AM – fellowship, coffee & tea

                        10 AM to 3 PM – program

                        3 PM – closing Meeting for Worship

Lunch is provided.

There will be time to enjoy autumn at the Clearing. Consider bringing an outdoor chair, water bottle, walking shoes, etc. We look forward to being with you at The Clearing on October 5!