Three Friends travelled to the Pawnee nation in Oklahoma to deliver a $10,000 check from Baltimore Yearly Meeting. The check was the first of two offered in reparation for a school run for several years in the late 1800s by BYM Quakers that was disrespectful and disruptive of native culture. Check the upcoming winter Interchange for an article on our visit. A more complete report will be placed on our committee’s website.

At the time of this writing, the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act (H.R. 7227, S.1723), which passed the U.S. Senate on December 20,  is awaiting a vote in the crowded agenda of the U.S. House of Representatives. Thanks to all who have worked for this bill and made calls on its behalf. Stay tuned to news from the Friends Committee on Legislation’s coordinator for Native American legislative issues, Rachel Overstreet, a member of the Choctaw Nation.  You can sign up to receive FCNL’s  Native American legislative update at this address: