Leaf Raking

Leaf raking event! At the meeting house on Saturday, December 10, from 10 – 12. Come for 30 minutes or more – just join the fun! Bring a rake if you have one; we’ll have extras if you don’t. Ellen Thurmond,...

Meeting for Remembrance

On Sunday, November 6th at 11:00am, we’ll gather in worship at The Clearing for an opportunity to share treasured memories of those who have come before us, whether we are old-timers or newcomers at meeting alike. Several years ago, the idea for a Meeting...

UNICEF collection

This Sunday, 10/23, children are invited to come to Meeting in their Halloween costumes! At the Rise of Meeting they will continue RFM’s tradition of collecting money for UNICEF from attendees. If you will be in Meeting, please bring some cash for the...