New Member Welcome at RFM 9/25

From the Care and Counsel Committee It’s been a long-standing autumn tradition at Richmond Friends Meeting to welcome new members of RFM at a reception held at the rise of worship. The Care and Counsel Committee will revive this tradition on First Day...

Series on Quakerism

QuakerismClassThursdays at 7PM, beginningSeptember 22nd.You are invited to a FREE 5 week ZoomQuakerism Class taught by Max Carter.Max is the retired director of the FriendsCenter at Guilford College, Greensboro,North Carolina.Sponsored byFairfield Friends...

Friendly Eights are forming!

Imagine biking sections of the Capital Trail, or taking short walks in the James River Park system, or reading and discussing books that increase your understanding of critical race theory. What about learning a new craft, or visiting local museums and galleries, or...

Religious Education Update

The Religious Education Committee and Teachers are excited for the start of the new school year! We would like to share some of what we look forward to in the coming months.First Sundays of the month, the children will gather in an all-ages group for a variety of...

What are Friendly Eights?

Imagine biking sections of the Capital Trail, or taking short walks in the James River Park system, or reading and discussing books that increase your understanding of critical race theory. What about learning a new craft, or visiting local museums and galleries, or...