Housing needed for Akeyo family

Joseph Akeyo needs a place to stay for one month with his family until he can move into a property that’s available for him on July 1st. Forthe past year, he has been living in Henrico with his two twinchildren, Pamela and Joseph. His landlord has terminated...

Prayer Group for Healing at RFM

There is a Prayer for Healing Group at RFM, and its purpose is to support our community with intentional prayers, especially in times of need and loss. We are about fifteen members sending out prayers every two weeks to those who have requested them. The prayer group...

The Fund for Suffering

Care and Counsel would like to remind Friends that we have a Fund for Sufferings which assists folks in financial distress. It is in addition to the Financial Assistance line in our budget. The money for the Fund for Sufferings come directly from contributions from...

Celebrating Cameron and Maddie!

This recommendation follows three meetings over the last two months with a marriage clearness committee composed of Annie Salter, clerk, Catherine Roseberry, Don Miller, and Randee Humphrey.  The recommendation will be held over until January’s business...

Aging in Community Support Group

The “Aging in Community Support Group” restructured to a simpler format this past year. In July, the aging group approved a scaled-down organizational structure; essentially needing only a clerk and four care coordinators, dropping the...