by WebPost | Sep 17, 2017 | Announcement, Committees
From the Website Committee: To better promote the life of our meeting on the website, the website committee has established an opt-out policy for photos and videos. Any Friend who does not want pictures or videos of themselves or their children on the meeting...
by WebPost | Aug 22, 2017 | Announcement, Committees, Peace and Social Concerns
As part of Richmond Friends Meeting’s support and welcome for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, the Visibility Coordinators, in collaboration with the Ministry and Worship Committee, have registered for a booth at VA...
by WebPost | Aug 22, 2017 | Announcement, Committees
Maybe you’re wondering how to get to know people better at Meeting. The Answer: Join a Friendly 8. Friendly 8s are self-governing groups of eight people (more or less) who come together, typically once a month for a few months, somewhere other than our meetinghouse....
by WebPost | May 24, 2017 | Adult Spiritual Education, Committees
In recent months, Adult Spiritual Education sessions covered the history of splits and schisms in Quakerism, showing the Richmond Friends Meeting’s positions over the years. On June 25 at 9:30am, Ministry & Worship Committee will continue this discussion....
by WebPost | May 24, 2017 | Committees, Young Friends
A social gathering and sing-along for young adults, teens, children, and babies too. Sunday, June 11, 3pm-5pm, at the meetinghouse. Led by Kelly Kennedy, singer and actress. We are also inviting young adults who grew up in Meeting and live in Richmond. This is a...
by WebPost | Apr 21, 2017 | Committees
At a time of great intensity of feeling surrounding our national political life, some Friends seek guidance about political messages in Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business and in personal announcements. Friends are reminded that Richmond Friends Meeting is...