More information – Spring Retreat at The Clearing

Rising In the Current: Recharging and reconnecting with the spark and flow of creation, within and around us! Join us at The Clearing – our Meeting’s retreat center in Amelia County – for a weekend of fun, fellowship and connection. Friday night will feature a film...

Spring Workday at Meetinghouse

If you want to have a lot of fun and make your life meaningful, come to Spring Workday at RFM on Saturday, April 29, from 9 am to 3 pm. Helpers are welcome at anytime between 9 and 3. Lunch is provided by the B&G Committee. We will be doing tasks on the grounds...

Spring Retreat Registration Now Open

Online registration is now open for the Spring Retreat to be held Friday evening May 26th through Sunday morning worship on May 28th. Click on this link. We hope to see you there! Spring Retreat Committee

Coffee and Conversation at Rise of Meeting

The Ad Hoc Working Group on Welcoming and Growing our Meeting asks Friends to volunteer to serve coffee at rise of Meeting on Sundays through April, unless there is a pot-luck or an event scheduled after Meeting for Worship. A sign-up sheet is posted in the hallway...