New Titles in the RFM Library

Alice Paul and The Fight for Women’s Rights, by Deborah Kops A narrative with details that help to show the atmosphere this Quaker worked in to help gain the vote and other rights for women Peace, by Miranda and Baptiste Paul Thoughtful examples of large and...

From the Library Committee

As you are transitioning into Fall, please check around your home to see if you have any books that need to be returned to our library.   The Library Committee will be taking responsibility for the Little Library in front of the meetinghouse.   Our...

RFM Library Book Reviews

Spirit Rising: Young Quaker Voices [QuakerPress of FGC 2010   356p.] celebrates, critiques, questions, and reflects on the Quaker faith experience. Writing and visual art by teenage and young adult Quakers from around the world and across the theological and cultural...

Categorizing Books in the Library

Because of generous donations from you, and from the collection of Jean Jones Andersen, our stock of books has mushroomed. Many more categories have been added to assist you in your search for the book you are looking for, or for the book that is looking for you! A...