From the Library Committee

As you are transitioning into Fall, please check around your home to see if you have any books that need to be returned to our library.   The Library Committee will be taking responsibility for the Little Library in front of the meetinghouse.   Our...

Meeting form Worship and The Clearing Update

Meeting for Worship and Meetinghouse update:    The Clearing is closed, at least through the end of April.   Rita Willett, Clerk of Meeting Friends, I trust that you are grateful, as I am, for our beloved Friends community. Committees and individuals are working...

Spring Meetinghouse Workday

The Spring Meetinghouse Workday is Saturday, April 4, 9 – 3. Come work with the Buildings and Grounds Committee to spruce up the building and grounds. There are many needed projects and it is so much fun to do them together. Stay for the whole time or work for a...