Quakerism 101, a four-session introduction to Quakerism, its history, writings, values, and beliefs held its first session on Sunday, April 28, at 9:30 am with more than 30 friends attending. This session addressed “The Light Within: What Quakers Believe" with a panel...
News and Activities
Memorial Minute for Bette Gilchrist
By Margaret Edds Bette Diebold Gilchrist, a plain-spoken Midwesterner by birth, an intellectually curious biologist by profession, and a lifelong seeker after truth, died on May 5, 2022, in Richmond, Virginia. A member of the Richmond Friends Meeting since January 20,...
RFM Minute on Race and Racism
(Final version, revised 28 January 2024) As Friends, our belief that there is “that of God” in everyone grounds our practice of upholding the worth of each human being. Each person is guided by an Inward Teacher toward truth; each has the capacity to experience and be...
FCNL: National Legislation Concerns
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), which lobbies Congress, is seeking input on the concerns to prioritize for the 2025-2026 congressional sessions. FCNL favors laws that do the following: Seek a world free of war and the threat of war, Seek a society...
AFSC Offers Meeting for Worship with Attention to Peace in Palestine-Israel
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) offers an online meeting for worship withattention to peace in Palestine-Israel every Thursday at 5:30 pm ET. To receive a Zoom link, signup here:...
Hearing Assistance during Worship
Ministry & Worship Committee wants to let you know that if you have trouble hearing messages during Meeting for Worship, you are welcome to pick up a hearing assistance device at the front door. They are easy to use. The Greeter can help you put it on.
Adult Spiritual Education Fall Program
Adult Spiritual Education will be holding two sessions on the Pendle Hill pamphlet, “Reclaiming the Transcendent: God in Process” by Thomas Gates(pamphlet #422). Both sessions will be held on Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:00 am and will...
The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus
The Adult Spiritual Education Committee will host a meeting of the Historical Jesus Study Group on the book, The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal of the Jewish Jesus, written by Jewish author Amy-Jill Levine. The book will be discussed at...
C. Wayne Taylor Bequest Ad Hoc Committee
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, September 14, 7-8:15 p.m. Zoom presentation by the C. Wayne Taylor Bequest Ad Hoc Committee ". . .to be used for the direct benefit of needy people residing in the Richmond metropolitan area." This was the only guidance...
Race and Racism Ad Hoc Committee, Listening Circles
The Race and Racism Ad Hoc Committee will host 4 listening circles, continuing our charge of engaging the Meeting in an inclusive and open discernment process to learn what our meeting is led to do around race and racism. The listening circles are open to all...