DO YOU NEED HELP WITH TRANSPORTATION TO MEETING FOR WORSHIP? Care & Counsel is offering a trial program to reimburse you for the cost of one Uber or Lyft ride to or from Meeting for Worship once a month. You simply forward the receipt from your Uber/Lyft ride to...
News and Activities
Meal Train launched to support Brooke, Nick, and Andrew
To the Richmond Friends Meeting community, Brooke Davis, Nick Martina, and Andrew Kossan are deeply grieving after the heartbreaking sudden death by overdose of Andrew's older brother, Alex, on July 21. The Care + Counsel committee of Richmond Friends Meeting has...
What Should RFM Do Around Race and Racism?
Over 50 responses to the query, "What should RFM do regarding race and racism?,” have been received and are now available on the password-protected portion of the Richmond Friends Meeting website. First, go to
Scholarships for BYM Annual Session
Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Annuals Session is fast approaching. Adult Spiritual Education (ASE) has scholarships, up to $500. If receiving this scholarship facilitates your attendance, please apply by sending a written request with your name, the name of the...
Peace Play
From Tina Eshleman of First Mennonite Church: As a fellow peace church in the Richmond area, I wondered if you might share this announcement about a peace-themed musical theater production we are hosting on June 16: Selah’s...
What Should RFM Do Around Race and Racism?
First deeply consider your own experiences and actions regarding race and racism, and those of Richmond Friends Meeting, and the wider society. Then please write your response to this query: What should RFM do regarding race and racism? Members and...
A Query from the RFM Ad Hoc Committee on Race and Racism
What are we at Richmond Friends Meeting led to do around race and racism? At our business meeting in December of 2022, we approved the formation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Race and Racism. The committee’s charge is to 1) develop and engage the Meeting in an inclusive...
Outreach From Baltimore Yearly Meeting: Starting Dialogues and Creating
New Relationships
BYM’s committees need new members every year. This year, we especially need new members to bring energy and new perspectives to:● Program Committee – to plan and carry out all aspects of our annual session● Stewardship & Finance – for faithfully translating our...
Lectio Divina?
Have you wondered about lectio divina and how it’s done at RFM ? Basically, it’s contemplation - a chance to experience a reading of a passage, meditating upon your chosen word or phrase from the passage, feeling what comes up for you personally in your life as the...
Circles RVA Needs Allies
Have you ever wondered if you could do something to help those in poverty that would help get them out and to thrive? You can make a difference. Circles RVA does this one person at a time in a small group, but over time those small groups of one person with allies...