News and Activities

Peace Play

From Tina Eshleman of First Mennonite Church: As a fellow peace church in the Richmond area, I wondered if you might share this announcement about a peace-themed musical theater production we are hosting on June 16:  Selah’s...

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Lectio Divina?

Have you wondered about lectio divina and how it’s done at RFM ? Basically, it’s contemplation - a chance to experience a reading of a passage, meditating upon your chosen word or phrase from the passage, feeling what comes up for you personally in your life as the...

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Circles RVA Needs Allies

Have you ever wondered if you could do something to help those in poverty that would help get them out and to thrive? You can make a difference. Circles RVA does this one person at a time in a small group, but over time those small groups of one person with allies...

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