What is the Fund for Sufferings?

Born of long-term Quaker tradition and originally established to help those suffering economic hardship due to acts of conscience, the Fund for Sufferings was reinstated at Richmond Friends Meeting in 2009 to be used for short-term help for members and attenders in...

Friendly 8’s for Fall 2024

There are 15 groups (so far) that will be offered for 2024-2025 (with conveners). Please sign up for your choice(s) pronto! New groups: Friendly Singers (Danni Kong and Diane Bowden)  Personal Finance Advice Conversation (Seth Jason Leslie)  Hiking (Mary Beth Martin) ...

New Member Welcome, September 8

Richmond Friends Meeting is growing. On September 8, at rise of meeting, we are having a welcome reception for nine new members and three babies. Our new members are: Anna-Marie Bolin, Mary Burrus, Maxwell Cloe, Shannon Garrett, Kendra Harvey, Lori Kvam, Paul Kvam,...

Memorial Minute for Bette Gilchrist

By Margaret Edds Bette Diebold Gilchrist, a plain-spoken Midwesterner by birth, an intellectually curious biologist by profession, and a lifelong seeker after truth, died on May 5, 2022, in Richmond, Virginia. A member of the Richmond Friends Meeting since January 20,...

Request for assistance

Elizabeth Price and her family need assistance: Elizabeth Price, mom of Rebecca and Joshua is having bicuspid aortic valve surgery on 4/28/23. The procedure involves open heart surgery and replacing her valve with a mechanical one.  Complete recovery may...