by WebPost | Apr 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Roni Kingsley will offer Sun Style Tai Chi for Beginners starting May 22nd at the Meeting House. This is a set of movements put together that are safe and modifiable for people with arthritis. Therefore, Dr Paul Lam, who designed these movements, gave it the name Tai...
by WebPost | Apr 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Cameron Wooddy and Maddie Dalzell would like to extend their warmest wishes for your attendance at their marriage under the care of Richmond Friends Meeting on Saturday, May 20th, 2023 at 4:30pm at The Clearing. The ceremony will be followed by a potluck dinner,...
by WebPost | Mar 23, 2023 | Announcement
Born of long-term Quaker tradition and originally established to help those suffering economic hardship due to acts of conscience, the Fund for Sufferings was reinstated at Richmond Friends Meeting in 2009 to be used for short-term help for members and attenders in...
by WebPost | Sep 28, 2022 | Announcement
Friends, this is a quick reminder and update from the Care and Counsel committee that a Memorial Meeting for Worship for Jules Arginteanu will be held at 4500 Kensington Avenue at 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 1, 2022. For those attending the Memorial Meeting...
by WebPost | Sep 21, 2022 | Announcement
reminder that Friendly Eights sign ups continue through October 2. Allen Lee is posting a sign up sheet for this new group announced today. The Historical Jesus Study GroupThe study group will meet via Zoom to discuss books about the historical Jesus...