Work Day at The Clearing

Clearing Buildings & Grounds invites all members and attenders to join us for a work day out at The Clearing on Saturday, November 5 from 9am -3pm. We would very much love to have other Friends join in on our work on a number of projects: Completing the interior...

RFM Newsletter update

As summer gives way to fall, this seems like a good time for distributing an updated Directory. It’s attached. There have been a substantial number of revisions since the most recent distribution. The next printed version will be available next March after...

BYM Women’s Retreat

It’s official!! The BYM Women’s Retreat will have a one-day in-person and hybrid (via Zoom) gathering this Fall. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 8th, from 10am-6pm at Adelphi Friends Meeting.  Registration address is...

Another Friendly Eight for your consideration

reminder that Friendly Eights sign ups continue through October 2. Allen Lee is posting a sign up sheet for this new group announced today. The Historical Jesus Study GroupThe study group will meet via Zoom to discuss books about the historical Jesus...