by WebPost | Jun 20, 2014 | Minutes of Business Meeting
Richmond Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business First Month 19, 2014 Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-five (55) members and attenders were present. Barbara Myers was greeter. Ted Heck from Ministry and Worship sat on the...
by WebPost | Mar 27, 2014 | Minuted Decisions
The following marriage equity minute was approved in Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business on 3/16/2014: In keeping with our Quaker testimonies of integrity and equality, Richmond Friends Meeting offers the same marriage under the care of Meeting to all...
by WebPost | Jun 3, 2013 | Minutes of Business Meeting
MWB Minutes for 2013
by WebPost | May 1, 2004 | Minuted Decisions
RFM Minute Prepared for Baltimore Yearly Meeting — Sixth Month 2004 RFM Minute Regarding Contribution to FUM — Twelfth Month 2004 Letter to the Editor, Richmond-Times Dispatch — Third Month 2005 RFM Minute Regarding Genocide in...