MWB Minutes for 2014

Richmond Friends Meeting Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business First Month 19, 2014  Meeting began with silence at 11:00 am. Fifty-five (55) members and attenders were present. Barbara Myers was greeter. Ted Heck from Ministry and Worship sat on the...

Marriage Equity Minute

The following marriage equity minute was approved in Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business on 3/16/2014: In keeping with our Quaker testimonies of integrity and equality, Richmond Friends Meeting offers the same marriage under the care of Meeting to all...

Minuted Concerns To The Meeting

RFM Minute Prepared for Baltimore Yearly Meeting — Sixth Month 2004   RFM Minute Regarding Contribution to FUM — Twelfth Month 2004   Letter to the Editor, Richmond-Times Dispatch — Third Month 2005   RFM Minute Regarding Genocide in...