by WebPost | Dec 18, 2008 | History - RFM
Richmond Friends Meeting (RFM) organized in 1795, and soon built its first Meeting House at 19th and Cary Street in Church Hill. This was the second oldest “church” in Richmond. We have a long history of religious observance and social justice within...
by WebPost | Dec 21, 2004 | History - RFM
RICHMOND FRIENDS MEETING Building Committee Request Approved by the Financial Stewardship Committee To be recommended to Meeting for Business on December 19, 2004 The Building Committee, requests that Financial Stewardship consider and recommend to the next...
by WebPost | Dec 18, 2000 | History - RFM
1795 — “At a Monthly Meeting held at White Oak Swamp. 2nd day, 7th month, 1795. The members of Swamp Meeting were joined to Richmond Meeting which is to be held on First and Fourth days of the week, and to begin on the First Day the 15th of this...
by WebPost | Dec 18, 1962 | History - RFM, Writings - RFM
THE HISTORY OF RICHMOND FRIENDS MEETING 1795–1962 by Mary Fran Hughes Richmond, Virginia 1979 Since joining Richmond Friends Meeting in 1976, I have wondered about the history of my new spiritual family. A sense of our history might give us an appreciation for...
by WebPost | Dec 19, 1800 | History - Quaker, History - RFM
Hannah Watts Clarke (circa 1754-1843) Hannah Watts Clarke was a lifelong member of the Society of Friends. Her portrait, attributed to Charles Burton, an English painter, was done about 1840. She is shown in profile looking out on what is thought to be the first...