1963 There is no mention of specific membership numbers in the minutes but it appears the Meeting had very few members during the 1960s. ( An influx was seen in the 1970s.)
Robert Clark, Clerk
Most of the Meeting for Business Notes are penciled notes for the 1960s.
- RFM responsible for service at the Confederate Chapel for 4th month. Bob Clark on committee to plan; Harry Wilbur led service
- Concern raised that RFM did not have any positive program of action
- RFM will write AFSC and ask how they might help in Prince Edward County with closing of public schools due to massive resistance.
- Art Spangenthal added to Peace and Social Concerns Committee
- AFSC answered letter but offered no suggestions other than request for donations
- Richmond Area Association for Retarded Children uses building for their program; their new building is being built
- Meeting agreed to educate youth re choice of being conscientious objector in response to House (in Congress) passing extension of draft bill
- Committee of Peg Spangenthal and Christopher Rigby appointed to look into how RFM might help childcare centers in Richmond
- Committee appointed to look into purchase of new hymnbooks
- Art Spangenthal asked to compose letter commending action to give free schooling in Prince Edward Count. It will be sent to newspapers.
- Two day work camp held at the Educational Therapy Center, which serves severely disturbed Negro children. Work camp was quite successful.
- Prince Edward Foundation is asking for funds. RFM decided to send all donations so marked from members of RFM
- Proposed budget for 1964 was $2770
- Refugee English class starts at Meeting house
1965 and 1966 Jay Worrall, Clerk
Feb 12, 1965:
- Nancy Adams of AFSC staff will speak on Brotherhood Day at RFM. She will talk about AFSC project in Prince Edward County. No press please.
- VA Council on Human Relations uses RFM building for program. (A contract between two groups for responsibilities is included in minutes.)
- 1966 Proposed budget $3090
January, 1966:
- VA Council of Human Relations has reported problem of using the building to their lawyer and a hearing is ser for March 2. We are to appoint our rep to this meeting.
- AFSC letter re Prince Edward AFSC project to Mary Hulbert has few suggestions to consider next meeting. AFSC says need is for money and people, not clothing.
Feb 2, 1966
- Something is going on in Meeting and there will a meeting with Mr. Kennedy. Sounds like neighbors are dissatisfied with VCHR . Letters included.
Feb 27, 1966
- Richmond Council of Peace Education given permission to have business sessions at Meeting once a month.
- RFM agrees to give up saving green stamps for piano since we aren’t getting there fast enough
- RCHR (RFM agrees) to allow them to host several tutorial programs and will use RFM twice a month for several months to evaluate their programs.
March, 1966
- Petition hearing on application for permit for VA Human Relations Council to continue in our building resulted in denial of permit. In compliance with the ruling, they moved back to old address at 17. E. Cary Street.
- Baltimore Yearly Meeting Young Friends will have their Easter Conference in Richmond April 15. A work program is to paint cabins at Camper Baker, which is used for campers of mentally retarded children. They will supply paintbrushes and adult superviosn. 45 young Friends attended despite cold weather.
April 1966
- Jay Worrall reported that Peace and Social Concerns had discussed the idea of a meeting on the God is Dead Theory, but members were not in favor of such a meeting.
May, 1966
- RFM decided to make Pendle Hill pamphlets available without charge but to leave a basket for those who wished to contribute.
- RFM agreed to pay $5 of $25 subscription for Washington Post for a conscientious objector at federal prison in Petersburg. The rest is to be paid by individual contributions.
- The lawn will be cared for this summer with the Spanthenthals providing the mower and the Hulburts the labor.
July, 1966
- Bob Clark will serve as Clerk with Jay Worrall’s resignation. (Jay and Carolyn moved to Charlottesville?)
Robert Clark, Clerk
- Proposed budget $2705
April, 1967
- There is considerable concern expressed over the seeming lack of unity and dedication to the Meeting by some of the members. It was felt that this concern should be given prayerful consideration by all members and by the Committee on Ministry and Counsel.
May, 1967
- Mary Hulbert, member of Peace and Social Concerns, asked that our building be made available for the summer months for a Vietnam Summer Project by a number of organization in cluding AFSC. The Meeting approved.
- RFM assisted a refugee family, under sponsorship with Church World Service, with $ and other assistance. Minutes over several years indicate that this family (from eastern Europe) was not easy to work with. RFM eventually terminated relationship. References to this family, problems encountered and the RFM struggle to help are referred to numerous times in the minutes. The name is not mentioned here since the family may still reside in Richmond and we wish to protect their privacy. 1968 RFM owes $90 to owner who rented the house to our refugee family to cover repairs. Owner will pay remainder. RFM assisted this family, under the sponsorship of Church World Service, for several years with money and assistance. The family left the basement of the house ½ full of clothing, which will be donated, to Church World Service. (This was not an altogether successful project as the family had difficulty in accepting American ways of heating, keeping daughter home to work in household instead of sending her to school, etc.)
September 1967
- A certificate of occupancy must be filed with city.
- RFM agreed that Ministry and Counsel send 2nd letter asking non-attending members if they wish to be dropped from roll. A second letter will also be sent to those who replied to first letter, saying how happy we are that they have expressed interest in remaining involved. Ministry and Counsel asked to make revision of membership a yearly task.
November, 1967
- Attorney says code does not require certificate of occupancy. RFM will write City of Richmond.
- The meal for the Christmas carol sing will be ham, sweet potatoes, two jello salads (one red and one green), rolls, and coffee. Red and green candles will be used for table decorations.
Rowland Leonard, Clerk
- Budget for 1968 $2885
- Prepared 1st Friends of report on state of society for 1967-68.
- Agreed to purchases another piano for no more than $100
- Christian Education reported a new project would start March 1 with a family first day. The AFSC project is to support a day care center in Vietnam. A special meeting called shortly thereafter this meeting due to concerns since Friends have always helped on both sides of conflict that it was wrong for children to help one side. After much discussion it was decided to allow the project to continue but to point out to the children that we would like to help both sides but are limited by laws of government for helping on North Vietnam. It was hoped that all members would follow the guidance in deciding course for themselves. Children later held a yard sale to raise money for the AFSC project.
- Baltimore Youth Conference held at RFM with 17 attendees who slept in Meeting and had work project with Neighborhood Center of the Richmond Community Action Project. .
- Social Concerns reported that Fair Housing conference will be April 12. We are only one of sponsors. RFM purchased 100 Pendle Hill pamphlets to distribute.
- Piano found for $295, not $100, to be paid on an extended plan so not to deplete our account.
May 1968
- Peace and Social Concerns has arranged a series of group dinners with the Woodville church to talk about the whole black-white situation. Food will be served first. Later reported that evening series was going very well.
- Indian Affairs Committee has collected about $215 in our annual “Buffalo Nickel” drive. A picnic at Pamunkey Indian Reservation is coming up and we will be invited.
September, 1968
- Piano has sticking keys. Treasurer asked to see about repair before making final payment.
- Concern expressed that only $1300 has been received thus far this year. Budget is $2880.
October, 1968
- RCAP budget being cut. RFM asked to support; sent $10. FRM will write letter for newspapers in support of Richmond Community Action Program.
- Concern raised again being “chained” to a building. Social Concerns will prepare a plan of what RFM should be doing. A special meeting will be called of members to discuss the proposed plan and the future of the Meeting.
November, 1968
- Treasurer reported we may weather the storm financially until first of year.
- RFM agreed to send letters to Sears and Salvation Army for their stand in doing no ads for war toys this year. Copy will be sent to newspapers also.
December, 1968
- RFM laid down annual lecture organized by the Ricks Memorial Lecture committee, realizing that we can revise it in future if deemed advisable.
- Fire escape still needs repair.
January 1969
Clerk, Jessie F. Hartley
- 1973 has $2675 budget with breakdown. No other records.
Prepared by Betsy Brinson, Ph.D.
RFM Historian
May, 2003