Friends Association for Children is celebrating their 150th anniversary with a number of events this year. Because Richmond Quakers had a role in their founding just after the Civil War, they hope we can join in celebrating with them.
Information about upcoming 150th celebration events can be found at this website:
The first celebration will be held on Thursday, March 31, at 7:00 pm via livestream. This will be an evening of history, storytelling and music, including recognition of some founding partners. There is a $15 charge to gain access, and they are offering a $5.00 discount for Richmond Friends. You may purchase a ticket at the website above and, if you like, order food and/or beverage from the organization’s partners to enjoy while watching the show. To receive the
discount, please use this code, Society5, when registering.
Rising clerk Lynda Perry will be there in person; our historian Scott Selby has also been invited. We have recorded a congratulatory message from RFM that may aired on March 31, or later in the year. Lynda and Scott met with the executive director of Friends Association for Children, J. David Young, last month and shared what we know of the early history. Friends Janet Scagnelli and Elizabeth Smith helped in creating the message; Ada Hammer and Rita Willett helped with research.