by WebPost | Dec 17, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education
Jean Jones Andersen’s passion for spiritual education led her to leave our community funds to support adults in taking classes, retreats, workshops, etc. to further their spiritual education. If you have an idea, vision, or leading towards some kind of spiritual...
by WebPost | Dec 17, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education
The committees of Ministry and Worship and Adult Spiritual Education invite you to…. ….Save the date! Saturday, February 28th 2015……for a Winter Retreat day at The Clearing! Lynn Domina, poet and teacher, will lead us in a day of finding...
by WebPost | Sep 22, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education
Several men in our Meeting have expressed an interest in having another Men’s Retreat at The Clearing this fall. The retreats are held under the broad oversight of Ministry and Worship. A small committee plans and facilitates the retreat. This is an...
by WebPost | Sep 22, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education
Jean Jones Andersen was a lifelong student of the Bible, world religions and spirituality. In her later years, she initiated and facilitated many spirit-led groups in her home which she called “Questers Lodge”, including dream work, Jungian studies,...
by WebPost | Jul 29, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education, Peace and Social Concerns
WHITE PRIVILEGE: UNPACKING THE INVISIBLE KNAPSACK by PEGGY McINTOSH (Introduced by Marilyn Gilmore) (Edited by Pat Schenck) Peggy McIntosh, a White feminist scholar, identified a long list of societal privileges that she received simply because she was White. She did...
by WebPost | Jun 22, 2014 | Adult Spiritual Education, History - Quaker, Library
The Library Committee plans to feature periodically books that may be of particular interest to Friends. Currently featured are two books about Margaret Fell: Undaunted Zeal: The Letters of Margaret Fell, editor and introduction by Elsa F. Glines Margaret...