by WebPost | Jan 31, 2016 | Adult Spiritual Education
From: Faith and Practice Queries, Advices and Voices P. 103-108 Meeting for Worship P. 137-143 Vocal Ministry If you want more, check out the sections on Meeting for Worship, Worship Sharing and Vocal Ministry in Chapters 2 & 3 of Faith and Practice. Note: All are...
by WebPost | Jan 27, 2016 | Adult Spiritual Education
This six-session series will be held on the 2nd and 4th First Days (Sundays) in February, March, and April from 9 am to 10:45 am. The series is designed for newcomers, long-time members and attenders, and those who are considering membership. One or more of our...
by WebPost | Oct 1, 2015 | Adult Spiritual Education
All are invited to Richmond Friends Meetings’ Fall Retreat with John Calvi at the Clearing, Saturday November 14 from 9am to 3pm. John has been working as a Quaker healer and retreat leader since 1982. The Goodness Workshop is a slow,...
by WebPost | Aug 19, 2015 | Adult Spiritual Education
Sunday, October 25th, 9:30 to 10:45 am in the Community Room. What are the spiritual implications of our food choices? How do our food choices connect us to the rest of the living world? How can we live in unity with that world? Our leader for this session will...
by WebPost | May 1, 2015 | Adult Spiritual Education, Topics, Worship
May 18 at 7:30-8:30 PM in the Meetinghouse Chanting is a way of centering into awareness of Spirit. We sing short songs out of the silence, and repeat them until the sense of the group ends the chant. Friends will gather into silence in the mode of worship...
by WebPost | Apr 9, 2015 | Adult Spiritual Education
2015 FGC Gathering The FGC Gathering is a week of Quaker worship, workshops, and community for all ages. Quakers will gather from throughout North America and across the world to live for a week immersed in Quaker experience. In 2015, we begin our week on July 5 in a...