BYM Women’s Retreat

It’s official!! The BYM Women’s Retreat will have a one-day in-person and hybrid (via Zoom) gathering this Fall. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 8th, from 10am-6pm at Adelphi Friends Meeting.  Registration address is...

Another Friendly Eight for your consideration

reminder that Friendly Eights sign ups continue through October 2. Allen Lee is posting a sign up sheet for this new group announced today. The Historical Jesus Study GroupThe study group will meet via Zoom to discuss books about the historical Jesus...

October Religious Education Events

Saturday, October 1 Fall Gathering at the Garrett Family’s backyard 9:30-11:30. Families with children, as well as the adults that have been working with the children in RE, are invited to come play in the yard, and get to know each other better. Newcomers...

Ministry and Worship Report on the Fall Retreat

The Fall Retreat led by the Ministry and Worship committee was well attended and amply supported by the Committee on Adult Spiritual Education who provided a wonderful lunch. The workshop, “Seeking Right Relationship with Indigenous People,” led by Barb...