by WebPost | Oct 7, 2019 | Announcement, Care and Counsel
Friends, The committee on Ministry and Worship is sharing the sad news that Mike Jeffrey died on Tuesday evening, October 1st. He was at home surrounded by family and friends. The memorial meeting will be held on Saturday, October 19th at the Meeting House at 2:00 PM...
by WebPost | Jul 26, 2019 | Care and Counsel
Richmond Friends’ tradition of forming Friendly Eights in the fall will continue this September. Friendly Eights are groups of eight or so individuals who meet from October to May (or longer!) each year to share a common interest or activity. The groups are a...
by WebPost | Jul 16, 2019 | Announcement, Care and Counsel
BECOME A MEMBER OF RFM! As Quakers, we have no creed to recite, no confession of confess, no rituals to undergo that will reliably bring us into the fullness of membership. But we do have a rich and inspiring tradition; we each other; and we have the Spirit. . ....