News and Activities

What are Friendly Eights?

Among Friends Imagine biking sections of the Capital Trail, or taking short walks in the James River Park system, or reading and discussing books that increase your understanding of critical race theory. What about learning a new craft, or visiting local museums and...

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Good News! Quaker House Needs You!

Volunteer Opportunity Quaker House of Fayetteville ( is in a good position, spiritually and fiscally, to consider expanding programs, which is provident, because the needs of military personnel and their families continues to grow. We need a bit of...

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Volunteers Needed to be Circles RVA Allies

Circles RVA inspires and equips individuals to permanently move out of poverty and thrive. We create intentional relationships that expand support communities and engage the wider community to reduce or eliminate the systemic barriers that hinder people from rising...

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