News and Activities

Jim Melton

Longtime attender, Jim Melton, has died here in Richmond. Care and Counsel Committee received amessage from his brother Ben on September 11: I'm sorry to have to let you know that Jim passed away thisevening at Brownstone, the assisted living home in which he was...

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Fall Workday at RFM

Fall Workday at RFM Presented by your own Building and Grounds Committee In this unusual year, our tasks can be done singly or with one or two others. If you are interested in one of these jobs, contact Ada Hammer,  Everyone working will...

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Meetinghouse use during the pandemic

Friends, this is a reminder that the meetinghouse is still closed due to the pandemic. The building should only be used for specific committee-related activities that require a physical presence inside. Maintenance and upkeep projects are in process. We want the space...

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Threshing session on re-opening

All are invited to a threshing session on First Day, July 12 from 7 to 8:30 PM.We will gather online to consider our meeting's "re-opening" - how we might envision and plan for an eventual return to in-person gatherings and the use of buildings & grounds at both...

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