News and Activities

Spring Workday

Due to the corona virus situation, the Spring workday at RFM is cancelled. In the unlikely event that the pandemic ends before summer, workday may be rescheduled. Bob Alexander Clerk, B&G Committee

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From the Website Committee

The website is getting ready to launch a new look for the website. We invite Friends to preview it and provide feedback regarding content accuracy, organization and navigation (not aesthetics) by April 1. Our projected public launch is May 1. Email...

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Clearing Work Days

The Clearing Building & Grounds Committee invites Richmond Meeting members to join us for three days this spring, preparing the Clearing for the 2020 season and our annual RFM Spring Retreat.  This is a great opportunity to spend some time getting to know folks in...

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Spring Meetinghouse Workday

The Spring Meetinghouse Workday is Saturday, April 4, 9 - 3. Come work with the Buildings and Grounds Committee to spruce up the building and grounds. There are many needed projects and it is so much fun to do them together. Stay for the whole time or work for a...

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RPEC Retreat

Take a journey of peace with the Richmond Peace Education Center (RPEC) on May 2nd at The Clearing, our 88-acre wooded retreat in Amelia County less than an hour drive from Richmond. The day starts at 10:00 AM with a guided meditation and silent circuit walk in the...

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