News and Activities

The Fund for Suffering

Care and Counsel would like to remind Friends that we have a Fund for Sufferings which assists folks in financial distress. It is in addition to the Financial Assistance line in our budget. The money for the Fund for Sufferings come directly from contributions from...

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A Return to Masking

Friends are asked to return to wearing masks during Meeting for Worship. The community transmission rate in Richmond and surrounding counties is now High, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Transmission). Therefore, the Ministry and Worship...

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Memorial Minute for Martha Jane Menk

Martha Jane Menk, an attender and member of Richmond Friends Meeting for over three decades, passed away on August 3, 2022, after a prolonged journey with Parkinson’s disease. An artist whose wide-ranging interests included watercolor, pastels, pastel chalk,...

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The Clearing

he Clearing Usage and Promotions Committee would like to remind everyone in Meeting that The Clearing is available to members and attenders free of any donation request. Our lovely retreat center offers different levels of camping: sites to pitch a tent, the...

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