News and Activities

RFM Newsletter update

As summer gives way to fall, this seems like a good time for distributing an updated Directory. It's attached. There have been a substantial number of revisions since the most recent distribution. The next printed version will be available next March after committee...

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BYM Women’s Retreat

It's official!! The BYM Women's Retreat will have a one-day in-person and hybrid (via Zoom) gathering this Fall. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 8th, from 10am-6pm at Adelphi Friends Meeting.  Registration address is below.  We know...

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October Religious Education Events

Saturday, October 1 Fall Gathering at the Garrett Family’s backyard 9:30-11:30. Families with children, as well as the adults that have been working with the children in RE, are invited to come play in the yard, and get to know each other better. Newcomers welcome!...

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Message from Nominating Committee

Serving on a committee or holding a position is a wonderful way to become more integrated into the RFM community.Since Richmond Friends Meeting has no paid pastor or staff, the work of keeping the Meeting going is done entirely by its community of members and...

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